WH1000XM4 with Ms Teams


WH1000XM4 with Ms Teams

My xm4s are paired with my pc and work fine on ms teams for one call, immediately after booting up. After finishing the call and leaving them for a while when I go to make another call I find that my microphone works (others can hear me) but I’m unable to hear them. Oddly windows and teams seems to think that the headphones are connected but there is no sound. The only thing that works is to reboot. Note I’ve disabled auto shut down and pause. Any ideas how to get around it ?


Hey, this is due to the Speak to chat feature being enabled on your headset, when the microphone is not set up, the Speak-to-Chat mode activates when it detects your speech while wearing the headset, and the sound from the headset is muted. You can find more info about this here. I hope this helps.


Yep, I also use my excellent WF-1000XM4 for MS Team call in my office.
As said before, this is due to the Speak detection feature that turn off your headphone volume and enable ambient noise when it detects that you are talking (assuming that you want to hear the person next to your, outside the headphone, hence ambient noise on and volume down).
While doing a video call, you don't want that and do need to hear the person in the headphone and not the one next to you outside the headphone...


To go around this, you can simply use the mobile app and disable it manually.
BETTER still (and this is Sony's genius!), you can use the app so that your headphone automatically configure themself according to your location -"In location A, apply Sound profile A". Pure genius!
I configured my office as a location in the app and set up the profile for the speak detection feature turned off and noise cancelling on. This way, as soon as i put a foot in my office building the feature is disabled and I can use my headset for Team calls as expected.
As soon as I am out and on my way home (public transport etc), the headphone reconfigure themselves automatically with the Speak feature back on etc...
This is such a great feature !!!