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Xperia Z3 ..Complaint from the ill trained customer service

Can anyone tell me how to do a complaint and esclate it ? I have called the customer service and the e-store a couple of times since i did pre-order my phone on the 21st of sep. and heard nothing usful back for the last 25 days except some lies from the customer services saying they had to verify my address( apparently by calling someone in heaven an not myself)  and the constant ' we dont know' answer..why the hell cany sony get a well trained team of customer service? now i cancelled my order and i ll make sure no one i know buys a sony phone cause they ll get stuck with these ppl soner or later. to get back my money it is a diff storey so i have to reject the delivery and after 14 days when the phone is back to sony i guess they ll think to give me back my money...i ll sue them

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