
Invalid Serial Number

Hi all - has anyone had any issues regarding the serial number on their UK bought product?


I just bought a Sony A6000 to compliment my A7R , only when I tried to claim the Cashback , the serial came back as invalid - After contacting Sony UK they have told me that its not a UK or IE serial , I bought it direct off Amazon UK noit any third party selling grey imports.


At the moment Im waiting to hear back from both Sony and Amazon - I think Sony have washed theior hands of it to be honest and I dont expect any cashback or warranty to be honored by them - Anyone else had any similar issues?


What is Sony genrally like for support? - Im a Canon Proffesional Services member so may have been spoilt regarding service and repair turn around - Only came to Sony on the Release of the A7R so reletivley new to getting any support from them - first impression are they are very poor.


Any help or advise would be gratfully recieved.



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