
Another complaint about not being able to complain

Our house has been a Sony house for a number of years and I've never had to complain before so I am doubly sad about my current experience 

we have had a Sony dvd recorder for a good few years and bar the notorious dropping all of channels in 2013 it's worked like a charm until May time when something happened in Sony world that meant the machine dropped all its channels again. 

I retuned 

the next day - all channels dropped 

I retuned 

continued in Groundhog Day for a few weeks as the machine would lull me into a sense of security by not dropping them for a few days and then drop everything after every update 

update - that was my first clue, all seemed to go wrong after the daily 10am update 

read the book, pressed the buttons to stop it updating. Instructions did not work and stuck ingroundhog day 

came to the forum for advice as worked out at I'm not the only one with this issue 

it's something to do with firmware and my machine needs to be updated - foolishly I thought this is what the daily update was about. 

Finally found a number to call and spoke to a nice chap who suggested I burn a disc from the Sony website - buried so deep it may as well be the dark web. 

Well, no. 

1. I don't have the device to do that 

2. The instructions about finishing the disc seemed especially relevant and complicated 

3. Foolishly I thought that Sony would fix the problem they created. 


The  chap offered to send me a disc in 6-10 working days ( taking me seriously then ) 

finally arrived only to find someone in the Sony  I can fix it dept hadn't read their own instructions and it didn't work 

phoned Sony again. 

Was told they could send me another disc with no guarantee of when it would arrive or if it would work or I could take the machine to an authorised repair place. 

My nearest one is 45 miles away 

that's 180 miles to take it and then collect it plus £45 just to open the box and with no guarantee from the Sony man or the repair place that the issue was fixable


not happy 

looked all over the Sony website - have used the contact us email at least 3 times 

emailed the chief exec office 


no one has the manners to acknowledge my existence let alone my problems. 


Well s0d you Sony. 

Thats another customer you've lost 


now have a Panasonic and after reading other people's experiences on hear I dount I'll be buying Sony again 

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