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Don't forget A7 owners - we were the 1st loyal risk takers! Firmware updates please

Sony hasn't given the A7 a firmware update for a long while now whilst all the other cameras have received theirs.  They've given them stabilisation and umcompressed raw format updates, but none of these options have been offered to those of us who took the risk buying into a system that was still to prove itself.  Sony has put a lot into making those customers who've jumped on the bandwagon since we've proved that the A7 series is brilliant, but have they forgotten their 1st loyal 'believers' like myself who trusted in Sony's name without needing to wait?

Come on Sony, give us something back.  Invest in us and don't just let the A7 phase out - it's a brilliant camera, but I do feel as if I'm stupid to have bought the 1st one, I don't want to get left behind!  

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