
Information not available

Bravia model KD-43X8309C.  About 2 weeks old. It was working fine from the start until about 3 or 4 days ago when checking the guide all the channels showed 'Information not available'. When viewing a program the information at the bottom of the screen shows for example "001  BBC One "and on the blue strip "loading" but then no information and the blue strip disappears. After a few minutes the information was working normally again until this morning 16.10.16.

All channels show 'Information not available' and when watching a program a sign appears telling me that the tv is not comnected to the internet, then about 1 or 2 miutes later a sign appears telling me that the tv is connected to the internet yet at no time has any 'information' become available. I have looked through the self help and the system informs me that the tv is connected and the signal strength is excellent. I can watch programs  but having no program information is annoying but not as annoying has having 'conectivity' message appearing on the screen every 20 minutes or so.  I have tired resetting the tv from the begining but to no avail. This tv was not cheap and I am not very impressed. All other items that use the router are all functioning normally at the same time the tv is not.  Any solutions?

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