
KD-43XD8305 - software bug in colour settings?

I have had my 43XD8305 for 2 weeks now and am broadly happy with it apart from the Colour Settings - I think there is a software bug here as when I change the colour setting (e.g. to 43), come out of settings then change channel, the screen colour then changes to a HIGHER colour resolution (even though colour setting is still showing as 43); a good 10% more vibrant colour than I had wanted. Hence I have to artificially LOWER my colour setting as I know the TV will correct it higher. Very odd 


Anyone else have this issue?


Also I think the red colour is over represented generally in all picture settings - I've spent oodles of time playing with the settings (reducing colour, reducing the red colour temperature setting, increasing live colour/ lowering colour) but cant't get it quite right, yet

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