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Sony android tv screen cracked on its own

IMG_3100.JPGHello if anyone can help....I Brought my fella a Sony android tv in Feb for his birthday,  he is one of those OCD kind of guy all of his possession are immaculate..... can't really explained it well there is a burnt mark on the inside of the telly bottom left hand near the corner and then it looks like a crack coming from it there is no physical damage to the tv as from the outside you can't see a scratch or when the telly is off you can't see any crack or scratchs it looks like it Broken from the inside  Sony said the wount fix it .as it's a physical damage that cannot be the case surly there would be s crack or some kind of damage from the out side of the tv .... 


i was doing some research and read that crack on the inside of the TV screen is considered a thermal crack from heat (an internal failure) not impact damage. The tv is 3 months old and mounted on a wall therefore not able to be easily touched or knocked..... I have also done some research on the tv were the same issue has happened to others well just the burnt mark on the exact same location on the telly 


Is that possible a thermal crack and Sony won't fix it??? I have spent lot of money on it 😞IMG_3100.JPG

The other tv I saw in the net IMG_3099.PNG


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