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DSC-WX220 Dirt in lens mechanism

I have had a WX220 for some years and been very pleased with it's combination of small size (fits in pocket), ease of use, very high quality still images, and amazingly powerful telephoto lens. However, on returning from a recent holiday, I discovered that all my photos had a couple of blurred spots on them. This appeared to be dirt particles inside the telephoto lens mechanism (which went in and out of focus as the lens was zoomed). I sent it off to be cleaned, but the cost of this was going to be £237!  Since a new replacement WX220 only cost £158, I had no choice but to buy a new one, even though the old one was still functioning perfectly apart from the dirt. It's a real shame that, while the camera is well designed for use, the design is not optimised for ease of cleaning/repair (Sony - something to bear in mind for future compact camera design).

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