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Remote control A7Riii

I used the camera control on A6000 and using a TPLink router Qdslrdashboard for a Nikon D610. Now with the A7Riii I’m pretty frustrated with the odd software decisions made. Is this the right place to offer feedback?


  • Image Edge iOS app – why can I touch to focus with A6000 but not A7Riii? I understand A7rii could?
  • Image Edge iOS app – why no rack focus slider?
  • Image Edge iOS app – why does my cameras Wifi connection drop out when switching between ‘send photos’ mode, FTP mode and ‘control with smartphone’ mode? And why does the connection drop out when I leave this menu to say switch to APSC crop? In short why can’t the camera remote app just control any of the functions of the camera and show all the menus?
  • Image Edge iOS app — why can I only get a 1080 pixel version of my image in ‘control with smartphone’ but I can get full res JPG from ‘send to smartphone’ ... why not just wrap these into one and make full res an option?
  • Image Edge iOS app — why no RAW file transfer? I don’t care how long it takes without 5GHz wifi.
  • Image Edge iOS app – why no USB wired connection for mobile devices? Nikon Z6 has this even without having to enable a PC remote mode.
  • Image Edge iOS app – why is the connection so unstable? Without any warning images ceased to be transferred (when I switched to MF mode on the camera) ... and I had to reset everything including the WiFi connection to get it working again.

Primarily I just want to be able to check focus without touching the camera at full res using an iOS device.

Right now the best solution is to touch the camera, take out the card and use a card reader. SOOOO much less hassle (an ultimately faster) than the unusably unreliable and weirdly restrictive remote control modes and apps. 


If the goal is to sell more A7Riv and A9ii units by making an app and camera remote options that actually work ... even if A7Riii doesn’t have the processing power or 5Ghz network ... please just let iOS devices read the SD card while the camera is shooting by USB-C cable.


Regards, Peter



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