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Xperia 1 II as seen from my 26 years of using mobile phones.

Looking back over the last twenty six years I have had owned and used without a gap mobile phones on just about every digital network even prior to GSM and around the world as work dictated. So many have come and gone but only a few stand out in my memory. But this is not about those devices. It does ultimately shape my view when I look and consider this new phone I bought and why even without having seen one or played with one in a shop.


I tend to buy on spec, being in the computer industry for longer than I have owned a mobile phone I have seen, replaced or fixed enough equipment personally and professionally to know who I can trust and who I shouldn't. Shouldn't does exclude anyone you just need to approach them differently. For me Sony's reputation as a world leading technology leader was cemented in 1979 with the Walkman, Trinitron TV etc. this at a time when apple was making its first computer in a garage as a kit. Its likely that for people of my generation Sony does not need to compete for kudos with the likes of Apple or Samsung they won our admiration and respect a long time ago.


So the Xperia 1 mk-II (I am going to call it the mk-II as I like nomenclature) A first glance its very Sony Stylish, minimalist looks and feels quality in the hand you all know this already they are masters of it.


The screen is impressive and I have seen a lot of screens since those flat Trinitron days I don't recollect seeing one in the 1960's but its one of Sony's hallmarks, outstanding screens. I have watched some 4k cinematic movies on Netflix on the mk-II in the hand and WOW I can see more detail on this that I can on my 4K TV in my living room. I need this phone for business also sculling through my list of emails on this screens aspect ration and resolution has been an eye opener ! Its almost as good as my laptop for an overview. Any kind of messaging or web site makes far more sense on this screen than it has on any other phone I have used. This was an unexpected benefit but its one I value highly. I tend to use smart phones on desks ninety percent of the time or carry it in my jacket pocket it is not a phone for tight jeans.


The audio is quality is first class I have a pair of Audio-Technica headphones plugged into the 3.5mm jack. Not having a 3.5mm jack instantly excludes a range of high quality headphones or reference/studio headphones that are popular amongst audiophiles. Lets consider the Sony Walkman of the 1970's it also had a 3.5mm jack and it became the defacto standard for portable equipment though Sony had used it earlier on portable radios in the 1960's. I think Sony are being true to their history here by putting it back and not following trend setters just focusing on the best possible experience. The sound out of the mk-II is superb the highs are controlled and the lows purposeful and engaging if you like your bass good headphones in the mk-II will add another level to your listening.


I have always been a Pentax SLR and Cannon DSLR user. I know Sony make great cameras not excluding their studio, TV and film products but I never bought into their DSLR cameras. I knew they were good but sometimes over the years your investment in a product line can tie you down. In recent years I have found my self taking a lot of photos with my Oneplus 6 when out and about walking. I bought the Oneplus 6 because it had a Sony sensor that was found in more expensive products from the others and had potential as a pocket camera. I had to wait a few months until Oneplus released an update for the camera to be able to use the full potential of it and I quickly found it did indeed take great scenic photos with a number of editors picks when posted online. This convinced me that smartphones are in fact great pocket camera. So much so that when Sony announced the the mk-II and I considered the sensor I could see how it was more than likely going to be really good. My interest in the sensor details comes from Astrophotography where backlit, large pixels and low read out noise rule. Sony are very much the standard for sensors in that arena also. These characteristic of the mk-II sensor stood out compared to the (similar-ish) sensors in the other competitors. It does take great photos and the autofocus is fantastic as is the 4K video but the software needs more features before the full potential of the sensor can be realised. 


Software software software. Well as I have done my fair share of programming over the years I know that software can change dramatically in one day but the problems it can create can go on for weeks. I assume Sony are rolling out the software with a trouble free experience in mind with updates around the corner. Google are taking care of the OS and Sony their PRO apps. This is one thing I disliked about Samsung they have modified the OS so much that they cant integrate their own work into updates and test to ensure its stable in anything like a reasonable amount of time. Updates are almost non existent. I am glad to see Sony take a back seat on the OS and leave it pretty much alone.


More than anything right now I love the look of the phone it captures what Sony do best though its subtle branding and quality aesthetic the over all styling will remind us that they have always been different, original and a technology leader.


I'm a fan maybe not an unquestioning one, but I have been for the last forty years ever since I first saw a Walkman though they have been at it for a lot longer. The mk-II like so many other Sony products I've owned just stand out as a class product.



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