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Death of Xperia.

After years of using Sony phones I'm unfortunately at the point where I am no longer going to be purchasing another device.

The last straw that broke my back was this fingerprint debacle. It worked for nearly 8 months and then all of a sudden it stopped, eventually even vanishing from the options. It came back after the update but wouldn't register a fingerprint. Stating it could not read or sometime it said time ran out after 1 second of trying. For a company that I have been loyally purchasing phones and PlayStation's for not only me but my entire family (children), I find it unacceptable and very unprofessional. We as customers have come to expect great products that work. 

So in conclusion I am going to bid Sony farewell. I just hope that my new Xbox and Android from maybe Samsung will do me prouder than Sony. It is a very sad day.

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