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Traditional Leather Jison Case For Xperia Z Tablet


Traditional Leather Jison Case For Xperia Z Tablet

I received the Jison Case Traditional (black) Leather Xperia Z tablet case I ordered, this morning but have discovered that the magnetic (?) case front, is not waking up or shutting off the tablet, when opened or closed

I viewed a video on Youtube before purchasing this case, where someone mentioned he had an issue with software previously but now the case front was working (indeed it was, in the video) Has anyone got a fix for this? I messed around with the display settings but have not been able to resolve the issue

When you pay £30 for the Jison Case name, it would be nice if the purchased products worked as expected

Any assistance is appreciated

Accepted Solutions

Problem resolved :slight_smile:


Because the leather on the Jison Case is quite new and the leather is still stiff, the position of the tablet front cover wasn't sitting completely, over the tablet screen.  Also, potential Jison Case owners, make sure that the tablet sits completely within the rear tablet surround by pressing all of the tablet edges and listening for/feeling for a litte click


Sorry for doubting this product.  I'm now completely happy.  The Jison Case is not as readily available to buy (try eBay) as the Labato covers that are manufactured, marketed and sold by Jison Case (I believe) and retail at a much lower price, currently.  I just liked the subtle design (with no coloured stripes) of this case but paid the premium for it


The genuine Sony product has a better look and has a few more viewing positions, which I would have liked but the price is a little high and the mixed reviews and forum comments put me off, plus I don't think this case would have stood the test, at the hands of my 3 year old daughter


View solution in original post


Hi twazzo684,

welcome to the Sony User Community Forum..:smileyhappy:


Did you buy the case from Sony..:smileyconfused:

Looking at some of the reviews & feedback on some web stores it looks like other owners have an issue with the magnetic wake & sleep function..

Best I can suggest is that you contact the retailer or try emailing


Thanks for the reply

No, I didn't buy the case from Sony. After much deliberation between the Sony case and the Jison Case, I only bought the Jison Case because it looked more rugged/3 year old daughter proof

I have sent an e-mail to the online seller and await a response. I will also send an e-mail to Jison Case direct and see if they can offer any suggestions

If you get a reply would you mind updating this thread please.?


I will update the thread, if I receive a response

Thanks hopefully the information you receive will be useful to other users because judging by the reviews the case does look a good quality..


Problem resolved :slight_smile:


Because the leather on the Jison Case is quite new and the leather is still stiff, the position of the tablet front cover wasn't sitting completely, over the tablet screen.  Also, potential Jison Case owners, make sure that the tablet sits completely within the rear tablet surround by pressing all of the tablet edges and listening for/feeling for a litte click


Sorry for doubting this product.  I'm now completely happy.  The Jison Case is not as readily available to buy (try eBay) as the Labato covers that are manufactured, marketed and sold by Jison Case (I believe) and retail at a much lower price, currently.  I just liked the subtle design (with no coloured stripes) of this case but paid the premium for it


The genuine Sony product has a better look and has a few more viewing positions, which I would have liked but the price is a little high and the mixed reviews and forum comments put me off, plus I don't think this case would have stood the test, at the hands of my 3 year old daughter

Glad you have resolved your problem & thanks for taking the time to post the solution..:smileythumbsup: