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Spegnimento LED senza vantaggi?


Spegnimento LED senza vantaggi?


uno dei motivi per cui ho scelto Sony risiede anche nella possibilita' di poter spegnere il fastidioso led di stand-by. Avendo infilato una penna usb con un led che lampeggia quando e' attiva, mi sono reso conto che questo lampeggio, continuava anche dopo aver spento il led frontale della tv.

Da questo deduco che lo spegnimento del tv, tramite il pulsante per lo spegnimento del led, non comporta l'esclusione della corrente che alimenta la TV. E' solo un modo per spegnere il led, ma il tv resta consuma come se fosse in stand-by.

Quando nei tv classici si spengneva il led, si escludeva la corrente a tutta la tv. Qui mi pare che non sia vero.

Mi sbaglio?



Soluzioni accettate

Sony KDL-40EX521

What is the difference between turning of the TV with the remote comander versus turning off the TV with the side button on the TV?


In both cases the TV will go to Standby, with the following differences

1. Standby LED status

- If the TV is sent to standby from the remote commander, the Standby LED will be ON (red colour).
- If the TV is sent to standby from the side button on the TV, the Standby LED will be OFF.

2. Power consumption

If the TV is sent to standby from the remote commander, power consumption increases very slightly (with approximately 0.02~0.04 W) because the Standby led is ON.

Note: Refer to below table for TV power operation  details:

Visualizza soluzione nel messaggio originale


Sony KDL-40EX521

What is the difference between turning of the TV with the remote comander versus turning off the TV with the side button on the TV?


In both cases the TV will go to Standby, with the following differences

1. Standby LED status

- If the TV is sent to standby from the remote commander, the Standby LED will be ON (red colour).
- If the TV is sent to standby from the side button on the TV, the Standby LED will be OFF.

2. Power consumption

If the TV is sent to standby from the remote commander, power consumption increases very slightly (with approximately 0.02~0.04 W) because the Standby led is ON.

Note: Refer to below table for TV power operation  details: