Remove swiftkey


Remove swiftkey

Good day.

How can i uninstall/delete this keyboard. I do 'force stop' for it every day. I do not want use it. 


If we could at least disable Swift Keys it would still be something, at the moment it just clutters my app louncher and uses ram pointlessly

Please reinstate Xperia default keyboard. Swiftkey is awful. I've tried installing the Xperia keyboard apk from XDA, and it keeps stopping. I miss the settings that xperia keyboard had, and Swiftkey doesn't have the phone pad layout unlike xperia keyboard. Phone pad layout is much more convenient, accurate, and quick to type with.

> It is to my knowledge not possible to disable or uninstall the Swiftkey keyboard

This is false, the Sony Xperia XZ uses the Xperia keyboard by default. Swiftkey is not enabled until you opt-in, which I (and I suppose everyone else in this thread) did by mistake. 

However, once enabled, you can reset your phone to get the old keyboard back. Just remember not to opt-in to Swiftkey.

Now, a message for Sony,


And reinstate Xperia Keyboard as default. 


Incorrect. The default keyboard for xz is swiftkey,

Just got Xperia XZ but was dismayed to find it came with swiftkey as default keyboard. After 3 days frustrating use, pleased I found this thread after a bit of googling - have now found and downloaded the apk file and installed Sony's Xperia Keyboard and disabled hated swiftkey. Someone at Sony/Xperia clearly thought having swiftkey as default keyboard was a good idea which is all fine and dandy BUT give users the option to use the Xperia Keyboard instead and install in on phone. Don't leave it to users to have to do this themselves. Not everyone is savvy enough/comfortable installing stuff on their phones, other than via Google Play. (Thankfully I am, otherwise I'd be stuck with Swiftkey!)


I can only repeat what has already been said in all the posts above: please give us the possibility to use the old xperia keyboard. Swiftkey is terrible!


Just upgraded my Z3 Compact to the X Compact... and within 10 minutes of frustrated SwiftKey use I am on this forum, dismayed to see there is no way to get rid of it. 

PLEASE give back the Xperia keyboard! Or can someone suggest a close alternative, that won't act like a keylogger or something? Swiftkey doesn't seem to have a way to configure it, and it randomly adds spaces or wrong letters as I'm typing! I'm a very fast typer on the Xperia keyboard with no errors and great dictionary built up (I type in many languages, often mixing them in one sentence) but with Swiftkey I feel like I have the dexterity of a 2 year old Slightly_frowning_Face

I agree with all posters.

I am still using my Xperia Z because I cancelled my Xperia Xz order due to its crap preinstalled and forced keyboard! Xperia keyboard is the best. 



 Hi, I used to like swiftkey until your freakin update ruined it! First and foremost I dont like enabling the language since it would aslo automatically set up the autocorrect and its a hassle. So I am not doing it. Before this language notification oly appears in the middle on that white space beside that three lines. But now it created a whole new space on top with that gray background and I can barely see what i am typing and above all its now occupying over half of my screen. So please diasable this non sense gray box that says "no keyboard language is set up SELECT LANGUAGE". I AM EVEN HAVIMG A HARD TIME WHILE TYPING THIS MESSAGE! THIS IS RIDICULIOS! Or perhaps this is your one way of saying i should use another keyboard app. Is that right? Resolve this ASAP! 

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 have mostly had Xperia Android phones, but recently moved back to an Xperia XZ from a Samsung galaxy S7. I chose the Samsung because  you  removed the magnetic charging port... but the keyboard on the Samsung was  appalling.

Feel betrayed that Sony think Swiftkey is acceptable as a default install.... I should not have to sideload something as fundamental as a keyboard.