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Android Pie Gestures


Android Pie Gestures


Just updated to Android Pie but I'm missing the gestures control. 

Anyone knows if this will be added in a future update? 



Hi @ChrisS996,

We have always and will always forward the feedback from our users regarding features that are not available and the users want us to add. Keep in mind that we can't make any promises as we are not the ones deciding if this will be added or not.

Night light/night mode is available in the Xperia XZ2-series and Xperia XZ3 and for gesture navigation, currently this is not included in "our" version of Android Pie, but I will continue to forward the feedback internally.

Thanks again for your feedback!


Hi @Jonas

I believe you do. I know you can't make promises here but it is really madening that whoever is in charge of thes things and decides what will be added or not ignores the feedback he gets from you or anyone else. It is common sense that features that are highlighted in the new software release (and tested in developer preview builds) are actually there when the final version of software is released - navigation gestures (in case of Android 9 Pie testing on XZ2). Yes general public feedback during developer preview testing might be 50/50 on love/hate for navigation gestures in time of testing and no one wants to anger 50% of the users. But that is exactly what the "man in charge" who made the decision not to include navigation gestures did. The right solution would be to give users the choice - what google did with update to older generations of pixels.

I put that night light/mode in as an example of past practices.I know night light/mode is available in XZ2 and XZ3 series but what happened with XZ1/premium? In Android Oreo we could take the "android-res-night.apk" (I believe) install  it as normal apk then  run adb command to install the overlay and we had night light/mode. It took 30 seconds to do it on completely stock unrooted software. It worked the same as it does on XZ2/XZ3. I know that as I have my XZ1 as a second phone.

Why can't a team of professional developers enable it in stock firmware? There is no neeed to answer this question as we all know the reason and that is why Sony is where it is..

I did not mean to attack you or anything and I am sorry if that is what may have been understood from my post. It is just frustrating that people in charge who get user feedback from you or users directly don't listen or ignore it and anger their existing user base. Instead of making existing users happy and get them thinking "Oh I am happy with this device, I should buy the succesor" they push them away from even thinking of buying the next device.


hi, there,

I saw there is Pie Gesture Navigation on Xperia 1, I wonder any plan to bring it to XZ series which have upgraded to Pie?


Hi again @ChrisS996!

No problem at all and I totally understand the frustration!

I really do hope that for example, gesture navigation is added since it seems a lot more fluent than tapping on the navigation buttons. The best option would be to add it and then make it optional, in case some users don't like it, they can just turn it off.

@KyleTsai, For now, I don't have any new information, but I'll keep you posted in case there is a change! Slightly_smiling_Face

Thanks again and have an awesome day!


This is good news. I've dropped my Pixel 2 to buy the XZ3 and so far no regret .However, the gestures are brilliant to work with and prevents what I am afraid of with the phones, screen burns in the software buttons .




Thank U so much! Finally, the gesture back!Thumbs_up


I will never buy a Sony Smartphone. Every Smartphone Samsung, OnePlus, Xiaomi have gestures but a 700dollar sony dont have it


Hi @Madbear 

Currently, the only devices with gesture support are Xperia 10, 10 Plus and Xperia 1.

Let´s see if, in the future, the gestures navigation will be added into older devices.