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Since some time, I get this advertisemment screen when I start my Xperia.
How can I get rid of that commercial tool and get back the standard sony screen ?
Thanks for help
Solved! Go to Solution.
@PierreG25 can you post the screenshot showing the app you're talking about?
edit: just checked, it's apparently a French name of Xperia Home, a preloaded Sony app. still, would be nice to make sure it's that.
oh and I just remember a neat trick to find out which app is responsible for a full screen ad. when the ad appears, press the recent apps button (the square icon on the navigation bar) and the card on the very bottom will show the name of the app showing the ad.
@PierreG25 the ad is showed by one of the apps you've installed. I see you're using Drupe Dialer, you could try uninstalling it to check if the ad is still there.
Thank you for your help.
I don't think it comes from Drupe because it came before Iinstalled it.
There is in my application list someone called "accueil Xperia" but I don't know hox to uninstall it becazuse it doesn't appear on my application screen and in ther pazrameter "application" list the key "disable" is not operationnal.
@PierreG25 can you post the screenshot showing the app you're talking about?
edit: just checked, it's apparently a French name of Xperia Home, a preloaded Sony app. still, would be nice to make sure it's that.
oh and I just remember a neat trick to find out which app is responsible for a full screen ad. when the ad appears, press the recent apps button (the square icon on the navigation bar) and the card on the very bottom will show the name of the app showing the ad.
I Found the application called "Flashlight".
I have uninstalled it and there is no ad any more.
Thank you very much.
Top level help.
@PierreG25 I'm glad you've found the culprit! just in case you didn't know, you can quickly toggle flashlight on or off by pulling the notification shade twice and tapping a "Torch" button.
I didn't know because I have been using my Xperia XZ Premium for som weeks only.
Thank you again. This makes the installation af a external application useless.
Thank you again.