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Dynamic Vibration System - not compatible with games?


Dynamic Vibration System - not compatible with games?

Hey all!

I recently got the XZ2 and, with videos, have been fairly unimpressed by the dynamic vibration system. I downloaded some games to try it out with as I figured it might be a better experience there - but to my surprise it does not trigger, and the volume controls show no sign of it being able to be enabled within games.

Has anyone managed to get this working in games? If so, which ones, and how?

I've tried Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition and Sword Art Online so far to no avail.


I have it working on tsum tsum, just press the volume control, and you will have a slide bar to enable it.


Thanks for the info! I just installed Tsum Tsum out of interest (the Disney app?) and found some things pretty peculiar:

- During the opening "video" I had a dynamic vibration slider, but it showed for "ff15 pe" - which was closed.

- After the opening video, the slider disappeared (doesn't work beyond the video)

- Restarting the app, it shows again - but only during the video...

Edit: Screenshots added to show examples ^_^

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Once in tsum tsum during game play, just use the volume rocker and a pop up shows with volume and the DVS. it should work, i have no problem with it.


If you need to see if it's working properly, try using angry bird, its a app recommended by sony, that what they test it on.


Thank you for attempting to help so far 🙂

I've just got off the chat with Xperia Support, and unfortunately they informed me that gaming is not a supported function of the Dynamic Vibration System:

THIS is the link in question, where it mentions:


The Dynamic Vibration feature enhances your media experience by adding synchronised vibration when you watch videos or listen to music on your device.

 I pointed out that there are numerous references to games on their official site, but was pretty much told the spec sheet says it doesn't support it, so they don't support it.

This was one of the "cool features" that sold me on this phone, so I'll probably return 😞 It sounds like it may work in some applications, but is not officially supported and may be a hit-and-miss kinda thing.


Would this be considered as false advertisement.


I'm not sure if support are misinformed and the feature is buggy, or it's "best effort" and "will kinda work sometimes". From the reviews I read (granted, third party) Sony apparently stated that there's no special features required or retrofitting of applications - it'll "just work":

This is also why the system is so versatile – it doesn’t need a new audio format or special support from game devs, Sony has done the heavy lifting. It helps that the stereo speakers on the XZ2 are more powerful than their predecessors.

The main thing I like to do with my phone is play games, and the enhanced haptic feedback sounded like something pretty cool. If it's an "Angry Birds and some other" exclusive feature, however, I have no real interest in it.

When trying it with videos, it enhanced very little and just felt random - I felt like games were the most natural medium for it to shine, and apparently it's not officially supported there =-/


I don't bother with it, it's just a gimmick, and will fade with time.

@kms108 @Eambo

I'll escalate this, I don't see it so much as a gimmick, at least not while playing games but time will tell