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Stutter and lag while scrolling.


Stutter and lag while scrolling.

Recently while i was using my XZP it started to stutter when i scroll web pages and menu's.It isnt anything serious but gets annoying pretty quick.The only way to fix this is to restart the phone and it flies again without any hiccups.However this problem does seem to reapear after a few days of usage.
Is this a software or hardware malfunction?Ive had the phone since July 2017.


I've had that for weeks and I think it disappeared when I factory reset my phone. Unfortunately, some other problems occured...


I'm not sure where this ever started...this idea that an Android Smart Phone should be able to run continuously for days on end without a reboot???

It took Microsoft nearly 15 years to make a "server" OS that could do this, and even then most servers need to be rebooted at least once a month. Android is not even close yet to such a thing. Having said this many, many...many times before...I will say it again. Restart your phone once a day, maybe while your brushing your teeth? It will make things so much better all around. Simple 60 second fix!

to be fair, Android is build on Linux kernel, and Linux machines are known for ridiculously long uptimes without any slowdowns.

Mobile phone IS made to work without restarting, just as much a computer is. And in all of my life's experience, If a device has to be restarted everyday to work properly, then something is wrong with it. Now, restarting a phone is not an issue here, but a stuttering and lagging 700$ phone is.


I've had mine since pre-order of the first from the UK for the fingerprint reader...this is my umpteenth phone and I NEVER have any of the problems so many people complain about! Why, you ask? Because I restart the phone every day. It may be a Linux variant but this is not just a computer that connects to wifi, or a LAN. Show me a Linux PC that can even come close to being able to do what a smart phone can do? Android is not even close to the more mature Linux distros out there. I don't care what phone you will find the same complaints about all of them. Don't want to do a simple restart...then suffer, complain, scream, sell it and get another phone and go through the same stuff all over again. The choice and the headache is all yours!

Once a week or every now and then will do.

Fact of the matter it's that any android phone will be lagging after a while.

You can read about it here.