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Hey guys I was just wondering if people are getting the same problem with the mic, I can record videos fine and use Google speech fine and everything the only problem I'm having is that when I try to call someone they can't hear me but I can hear them clearly I don't know how to find mic noise cancellation either apparently turning that off can help.
For me they can hear my voice but it's very low... Everybody is complaining in my contact list
It's so stupid I wonder if the software update did this. I can't find mic noise cancellation on call settings anymore, people said that if you turn it off people can hear you.
Same problem for me. When calling everybody complaints that they can't hear me. I have found that using the speaker makes it better, but feel like a fool talking to my phone with speakers on...
I have the same problem
I have this problem too !!
Frustrating when clients call me
I use Bluetooth device such as smartwatch to talk.....