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XZ2 & Android 10 - 52.1.A.0.532


XZ2 & Android 10 - 52.1.A.0.532

Just received Andoid upgrade to 10 52.1.A.0.532 - most of the functions seems to work without any hassel. What I recognized is, that the fingerprint reader is responding with a much bigger delay than before - seems to be a high lag time. Anybodey else with same xperience or any other issues?

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yesterday I updated my XZ2, with software repair, and everything works perfect, fingerprint works excelent, camera, excelent, alarm works too, mic also perfect... I can confirm that update using companion software repair worked fine for me... 

P.S I did a fresh install without restore "backup", I restored only messages... 


I would also like to give some feedback.

My XZ2 also had problems after installing update. Not the disaster some described, but noticable lag and fingerprint sensor problems.

After reading this thread i did a backup and then a software repair through companion and...the phone came back to normal, superspeedy and stable. The fingerprint sensor also works fine now.


I will share my experiance with Android 10 on my XZ2.

On, I think, January 6. I received the offical OTA update on my phone. The update went smoothly through, but soon I noticed the performace of the phone was just plain terrible... Really, the phone was bearly usable...

So, after reading here about the "Companion" app I made the "Software repair" (I lost some data as I wasn't aware it makes a factory reset and some apps apparently weren't synchonizing properly...) and now after 24 hours I can say the performance is even better then it was before the OTA update... So I'm quite happy, just a little pissed I wasn't careful enough and lost some data...

So, "Software repair" realy works, just backup your apps and data before! And make sure you have "2FA Authenticator" keys accessible (and stuff like that).


i haven't done the update yet and after reading all the issues caused by it i was quite sure i wouldn't do it. but since reading the last two replies about how the sony companion software repair has fixed them, and starting to consider it. if more people confirm is working i may do update my xz2.


Just sharing. After i've read this thread, i think over and over to do the update, but yesterday, finally i've done the update (on my XZ2) using the companion. And the update went smoothly. And I feel the performance of my phone even better than before, also the battery is more efficient.



I'm starting to think about doing this famous software repair...

2 questions :

- Does the Sony "backup" include ALL datas of ALL applications and the associated settings ?

- Does the "restoration" restore the phone as before the backup?

It is really this return to the factory state that makes me doubt ...

Thank you


Why haven't I still not received the 10 update? 


Sony Backup is supposed to save all aspects of system state, but i cannot confirm it because i didn't want to restore all settings, only data (ex messages, call logs etc.), so i used it only partially (will explain below).

What i did: I started system backup from xperia companion and did a full backup. Because of a message in backup that confused me (it notes that some models are not supported, i don't remember exactly) i also did a backup through google.

I restored data from google backup, since i wasn't interested in saving phone settings. Everything went almost fine. The only thing occured was that messages were not restored from google backup, so i opened xperia backup and restored only messages (at restoration you can choose what to restore).

Hope i helped.

PS: I also confirm that now my XZ2 seems to be much more speedy. Honestly, i am totally impresed by it's responsiveness and speed, it is better than before. I don't know if this boost has to do only with the software per se, but it is impressing.



Wich Software you install in Companion? I think its maybe a New Version without Bugs. 


After the update, looks like Sony has enabled Stamina mode to remain on until your phone has fully charged. I've disabled this and it seems things are back to normal ...or...for almost two days now the phone has stayed normal. 

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