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XZ2 & Android 10 - 52.1.A.0.532


XZ2 & Android 10 - 52.1.A.0.532

Just received Andoid upgrade to 10 52.1.A.0.532 - most of the functions seems to work without any hassel. What I recognized is, that the fingerprint reader is responding with a much bigger delay than before - seems to be a high lag time. Anybodey else with same xperience or any other issues?

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After facing the lag/battery problems, I used a CPU meter to analyse the CPU activity. The CPU meter is used nearly at 100% right trought the start and never slows down , what is another cause of lags and battery discharge ( nearly 15% / hour without any app use and without screen turned off ).

I was reaching the point to buy a Samsung S10e when I saw that on some forums , they complained the same way on this device, but not for everybody.

I began to consider that it could be a conflict between Android 10 and a particular app.

I began on last saturday to unsinstall all the unneeded apps.

Surprizingly, the CPU activity slows down with consequence of no more lags and anormal battery discharge.

For 2.5 days now, the XZ2c works like a charm...

I suspect that some apps are not compatible with android 10 anymore.

I would recommand to try to unilstall apps from yours and see what it happens.


How is this still a thing? I use this phone for work and it does not help with all these bugs, not even revert to Android 9? Instead announce 1200+€ phone?! Cheers


Or even the fact that not a single sony representative answered here, said sorry in public.... 

It is just.. Making a mess and not even taking responsibility. Just ridiculous! 

A rollback (if technically possible) would be such an easy way to calm people and to buy the company some time to work on the update (again) 


There are only two solutions if you want a fully working mobile.

1) Downgrade to Android 9 and enjoy the phone until it stops working.

2) Buy a new mobile.

There won't be an easy fix for all those problems and Sony knows this. 

There is a reason they are silent almost two months. 


I've made downgrade to Android 9. Now everything works normally


@Pxeone wrote:

I've made downgrade to Android 9. Now everything works normally

Jakim sposobem przywróciłeś android 9?


According to this forum. It is in Russian, but maybe you can translate it.


@Pxeone wrote:

I've made downgrade to Android 9. Now everything works normally


Important: Disable automatic updates.



I just tried to see if there was an update from Android 10 (and as a reminder = change of way via "update of the google play system" = translation from French).

Well, I had a very small update! And after restarting, I have the impression that it is faster. And I had an update bug icon that disappeared!

Example of another user who had several bugs (I only had one icon):


I have the same issue with android 10 on my xz2 compact.

I did a full factory reset and after reinstalling I have the same issue. 

When I plug the charger, the phone are very very slow and I can't do anything with it... I hope a solution becaude i become mad.