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Xperia Z1 - Sony PC Companion WiFi Connect Problem


Xperia Z1 - Sony PC Companion WiFi Connect Problem

Good day!

I'm Having a problem connecting my Phone (Xpeia Z1) to my PC through PC Companion (Wifi Connection). After some steps my phone gets stuck and wont continue on the last step. i even Left it overnight to give time to connect but i woke up  and still its connecting. i have successfully paired up my Device on my Office PC. But i can't get it to work on my Home PC/Laptop. i Don't know if I'm having some problems on my PC or my Wifi Router. So i need some help from you guys, what do i need to check to get this thing to Work. If any on you have the Same Problem please Post it Here, or if you have any solutions please give me some advice.

I Was Stuck on this part of the Setup:
PC Companion Problem.jpg


So There, as you can see, i have successfully Paired my Phone and my PC (ANDREWSTAR). But on this Part (Connecting) i got stucked. And it never Finished Connecting to my PC.

The Other Device Name (AKD-RSF) is my Office PC which i Connected my phone without Problems.

So there you go guys, i could connect it Through USB Connection but i don't want to always open the Micro USB Cover of my Phone because it might get loose and eventually the Water Proofing capability of the phone gets useless. That's why i want to get this thing working up. The other Workaround i find here is to use a 3rd Party app to Transfer Files wirelessly. But i don't want that. Because this thing should work and i think this is a safer method of transferring my files.

Thank You Guys!

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For everyone having those symptoms, @Ace_S suggested a fix and worked for me on my problem.

The pairing with the PC worked fine

The wifi connection worked fine

But today I didn't find My PC in the pairing list on my Z1, it was gone

I tried to repeat the pairing process using PCC but I ended with a pop up on my phone that said that the phone is already paired and I should remove the pair and pair again. Although the pairing that I have done before was gone..

The solution....

If you had paired your phone before and you have the above symptoms, On the internal memory of the phone there is a file named after your PC (Not the user name - -- the actual "Full computer name" from System Properties). Delete that file and try to repair again and it should work...

That file holds the pairing info for the paired PC so if you delete it you will reset the pairing info...


I'm still having this problem on a z1 compact using lollipop. I go through the steps and pair the device with the pc then when I disconnect the usb cable it fails to find the phone and move on to the next step. Tried the suggestions in this thread but no luck. Firewall settings no help. I cannot locate the file with the PCs name to delete it. 

The PC i am trying to connect to is not connected to the network with wifi it's using an ethernet cable. Is this a problem? It does not say the PC has to be using wifi just that its on the same network.

Any help would be appreciated.



It dosen't meter the connection type as long as the PC and the phone are connected to the same network / router.

The file that i mentioned is present only if you already paired the  phone to the PC and you experience the problem in which the PC is not present in the pairing list and wen you try to re pair it pops up a message telling you that the PC is already paired.

You can try to go to Settings/Apps/All/USB Connectivity and clear data

Also try to reinstall PC companion on your PC (After you uninstall also delete any folder left In Program Files and in "C:\Users (Documents and settings in Win 7)\Your user\AppData\Local" "C:\Users (Documents and settings in Win 7)\Your user\AppData\Roaming" with the name Sony (If you have other Sony products install don't delete Sony folder, delete only PC Companion folder if there is, that is located inside Sony folder)

Also don't let the screen sleep during the pairing it my  also fail due to that if the pairing takes longer..


Thanks for the info. I will give it another go.


Tried and tried again, deleting and reinstalling. Nothing works. Just says PC Companion was unable to connect to phone. Although on my phone it says I have paired with the PC, it just doesn't work. Really annoying. Nevermind.


Also make sure that you don't have your antivirus / windows firewall set to public. Always set it to trusted network because it can result in failing the paring process..


The file that I was talking in erlier post is not on the root location in the phone memory... It is in Device / storage / sdcard0 wich is the location in the phone memory where DCIM, Download, Music, images etc. folders are..


Thanks but the Firewall is set to trusted so that's not the issue. Will have a look for the file but I feel like whatever I try it is destined to fail!! Really annoying but I'll just have to use the mini USB.


I just managed to fix this on Windows 10.

The issue was that the pc was not discoverable by wifi by default.

To turn it on:

  1. click on the wifi icon in the system tray
  2. network settings
  3. advanced options
  4. find devices and content  > turn this on
  5. go through the wizard again

I hope this helps


this trick succesfully worked!!! :smileysmileythumbsup:

amazing! thanks you a lot!