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Sony STR dh820 advice please

Sony STR dh820 advice please

I have the above av amp and have my sky hd box and a blue ray player attached to it.

I also have an Apple TV attached to it

All via HDMI

We also connect our ipods / iphones via the front iphone connector slot for listening to music.

The HDMI out is connected to my sony Bravia TV

The sound is connected to 6 ceiling speakers set to front, surround and high surround int eh configuration.

I would like to be able to watch the sky hd box via the av amplifier whilst at the same time having the av amplifier output sound from out ipods to the ceiling speakers.

Thus effectively I would be asking the amplifier to pass the sky hd pictures to the tv and at the same time pass the ipod sound to the speakers. Does anyone know if this is possible.