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Hello everybody,
does anyone have information about the availability (and price :smileyhappy:) of the new TP2 in Europe?
It seems to be sold by some UK shops, but nobody have stocks. It is only available on Sony Style US.
Another question about that: has anyone understood the difference between the TP20 (1600 USD) and the TP25 (3000 USD)?
It seems that only differences are: 2GB of RAM vs. 4, and an HD cable TV card. Does not explain the incredible price difference though...
You can find the VGX-TP2S/B on Sony Style Europe
The difference in price of the two US models must be just the Digital HD Cable Tuner.
Right, apparently available in Sony Europe UK, but not France for some reason...
And the digital HD cable tuner does not cost that much...
I've found this where they say that additional parts should cost around 650 USD, not 1600!