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System Idle Problems - Help Needed!


System Idle Problems - Help Needed!

Hi there.

I've got a VGN-FS15E laptop and I keep having problems shutting down windows and opening programs.

Specifically, when I open programmes - say word or powerpoint and even online applications - the programmes take ages (at least 5 minutes to open. Also, when I try to shut down window (I have XP) after I've clicked on the shut down icon it takes at least 5 mins to action the request.

The CPU access light flashes very slowly while I'm trying to do any of this.

Any advice or help would be appreciated.



bullgard have a good offer on amazon. £14.95 for V6.

thats £25 off the normal price.
it also have a back up program that lets you up load your hard drive on to there severs for free....

anyone use this softwear?

just orded 512mb of crucial ram. very good price. thanks for that Mr.


Hi Kee-lo.

Thanks for the help.

I've done as instructed and I have 67 processes running and the system idle process if running 97 % of the cpu usage.

Does this make sense? And if so any advice?



Hi Blencogo.

Thanks for the advice.

I'm running Norton anti-virus so maybe I should try shutting this down? What do you think?

Also, I have a trail version of Norton Ghost that I can't seem to get rid of so maybe that's not helping.

What are my AV programs and how do I shut them down manually?


Hi mistura,

At the bottom-right of your screen you should see the Norton Icon in the taskbar. Right-click on this and choose to close the Norton Security Suite.

Try opening some Office Applications and see if they still take a long time. Shut down your computer and see how long it takes. This should give you an idea if Norton is causing the problem.

When you open your computer again, make sure you activate Norton before going on line!

Norton Ghost can also cause problems on Vaios. If you don't use it, uninstall it: -

Control Panel>Add or remove programs>scroll down to find Norton Ghost and uninstall it.


Hi Kee-lo.

Thanks for the help.

I've done as instructed and I have 67 processes running and the system idle process if running 97 % of the cpu usage.

Does this make sense? And if so any advice?


Woah, 67 processes, no wonder your VAIOs slow!

System Idle Process always runs at 99%, this is normal


ok. norton has been replaced by bullguard on my (VGN 515E) laptop. WHAT a diference in speed. at least 5 times faster on start up. (thank god). i will be adding another 512mb ddr2. it still needs that push to open programs up and switch between windows. next mision is to clear it up of all the bumph programs that sony have pre installed. ( NO OFFENCE SONY BUT YOU DO LOAD YOUR LAPTOPS UP WTH SOME UNWANTED PROGRAMS.). JUST A BIT TOP HEAVY FOR SOME LAPTOPS YOU HAVE OUT IN YOUR SHOPS TO BUY.

Glad to hear it went well.
I think Sony gets commission for every person who subscribes to Norton from their VAIOs