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VGC-V2M and Wi-Fi


VGC-V2M and Wi-Fi

I have a VGC-V2M and a four year old Toshiba Satellite S-1800 laptop. I also have a 2mb. AOL Broadband Connection. All I want to do is share my Broadband and files with my laptop.
Am very confused as to what I need to purchase. Would a simple router, plus a PCMIA card Wi-Fi adapter (for the Toshiba) suffice ?? Any help would be appreciated.


Hi PapaB

You're right there, you'd have to have the V2M wired to the router (unless you want to go wireless then you'll need another PCMCIA card

I recomend this router and this card


Hi. Many thanks for your help. I have checked out the router, but it states that I require an external cable or DSL modem with an Ethernet interface. I currently have a B.T. Voyager 100 and don't think this complies. Does this mean I will have to puchase a new modem as well ?? Sorry to appear so ignorant !!

Hi PapaB,

The B.T. Voyager 100 is a ADSL Modem. If you want share the internet connection then you would need a ADSL Router, like Kee-Lo said.

You could share this connection with the modem also. But you must connect Computer A with the Computer B which is connect with the Modem. Then you must configure a internet connection via network on Computer A. Because Computer B has the internet connection.

But you can use the interernt with Computer A only if the Compute B is ON.



The best way is probably to purchase a router via your internet provider. Most of the time, they have nice pre-assembled packages for small networking.
( this gives you the advantage that you have support for setting this up by your ISP)
The V2M has a wireless card so you could purchase a wireless router (of course you'll have to check if you other computer has one as well)

This would save you the hassle of dragging round with cables.


Scrap that - this one is a good router which has a firewall too, and you don't need the BT Voyager anymore.

As for cards, well Belkin are always good as they offer a lifetime warranty I use this one excellent value for money

eBuyer has some great bundles too