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XL100 DVD and TV issues - pulling my hair out!!!


XL100 DVD and TV issues - pulling my hair out!!!

Hi - I bought the XL100 Media Center PC and a Bravia 32" screen as a TV/Monitor. And...the XL100 crashes every single time I try to watch TV using Windows Media Centre. And...the DVD doesn't play. Both seemed to work during the first few weeks but have stopped in the past few days. I am seriously pissed off!

Can anyone help? Is it a software issue or something? I am certainly thinking of returning it...what is the point of the XL100 if you cannot watch TV or record?



Hi and welcome to Club Vaio.

From what you say, it sounds like you will have to raise the problem with Vaio-Link Support. The problems sound too serious for an easy fix.

How are you connecting to the TV?

Have you read this RECENT THREAD ?



One of the updates that media center tells you to get as an optional software update stops TV working. I installed it on my XL100 and TV would no longer work. After a long delay where the machine seems to have frozen, I get a 'component registration failure' error message. Using system restore to go back to before the install resolved it. Vaio link have yet to comment on why it won't work!


Interestingly, almost 2 months later they have still no clue. Worst support ever from any company. My advice, buy a PC from Lidl, the support is way better.


Yup, found that installing the MCE April update (which also includes the January and March updates) would immediately crash the Media Center application when attempting to view live TV.

The problem seems to be that it failed to unregister and reregister the Media Center services correctly.

The solution is to do the registering manually. See Aaron Stebner's weblog entry for more info. Execute the series of commands he gives, watch out as they are case sensitive.

After doing this lot my Live TV sprang back to life.

I would say this is more a Microsoft issue, but Sony Support certainly should know something about it!


Thanks for the hint, but It's back in it's cardboard box, going back to the shop tommorow. There's a couple of problems that are there 'out of the box' including constant lockups in MCE. Sony don't have a clue, so I've given up.