Sony NEX-5r error

Sony NEX-5r error

from a google search, it seems i have the same problem as a lot of other NEX users out there...


"camera error. Turn power off then on".


I've updated the firmware to 1.03, done factory reset, tried different memory cards, removed battery for over 1min and cleaned the lense. Nothing has worked. 


At first the problem was quite intermittant so i didn't do anything about it but now it happens every time i turn it on. Nightmare! 


Why if this is such a common problem has Sony not done anything about it?


Has anyone had this issue and managed to find a fix for it?


Hi Gareth and welcome to the forum!


Sorry to hear about your problem, I know that cases like yours exist, but I wouldn't really call them "common". Camera error is general description of the camera, and may have different causes. Be it remains unpleasant nevertheless..


As far as I know, except from resetting, removing battery etc, you cannot do much about it. If the camera is in warranty, send it in as soon as possible and write a cover letters with it.

If it isn't, maybe you can mail Sony directly asking what the repair rate is...but it probably won't be interesting fixing it.


I hope the problem will disappear by itself! 


ps: Are you using original batteries?



Sony Alpha Training

Hi Gareth,

Welcome to the Sony User Community forum..


A couple of additional ideas that you could try, if you remove both the lens & memory card do you still receive the error message.?

This may help to identify if it's a lens, card or body problem..

Thanks for the reply. I think we might be on to something following your suggestion, removing the lens makes no different but removing the memory card does fix the problem! However, I tried a different memory card (a sandisk) and the issue returned 😞 I've ordered a brand new Sandisk ultra to see if that helps but I'm not holding my breath. Any further ideas based on this new info?

Thanks for your reponse. Yes I am using the original battery that came with the camera.

If the new card does not work, you MIGHT try a Sony Memorystick pro duo card...I'm out of ideas for the moment... :slight_smile:

Sony Alpha Training

At least you now the the cause of the error message..
Back up all your images first then try formatting the SD via the camera settings..