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(Android 8.0 Oreo bug) XF9005 reboot automatically when turn on the TV in Oreo update

(Android 8.0 Oreo bug) XF9005 reboot automatically when turn on the TV in Oreo update


I updated my TV to Oreo, it's working fine except that after a long period of standing by, when I turn the TV on, it will show the Home Screen for 1 sec, then it reboots it self, it shows Sony logo then Android logo animation, it taks 1 min or so to boot.


If I hit power to go to standby and turn it back on again, or in a short amount of time, it won't reboot itself, I only notice this after a long period of time of stand by, e.g. turn on TV next day, it will go to this boot cycle.


My setup:

XF9005 on Oreo V6.5830 android, connect Sonos Beam with ARC, connected to internet by Wifi


Sony could you confirm if this is a known bug in the update?

195 REPLIES 195

So I have now tried all possible workarounds including those recommended by Sony and those suggested on this thread. Currently I have:

Bluetooth disabled

"update Guide in Standby" and "Auto service update" both disabled

"Remote start" and "Control remotely" both disabled

But still the problem occurs...

Have I missed anything? Before I go back to Sony and re-log the issue.


For what it is worth, I found that the problem seemed to be linked to the
way HDMI connections were handled. I have a PVR attached to the HDMI2 slot.
I found that as long as I only brought the PVR out of standby or put it into
standby whilst the TV was on, all was OK. However, if I put the TV into
standby and then put the PVR into standby, I would get the re-boot problem.

Hope this helps.

O!  I am sorry that nothing seems to have worked for you ☹️ It must be very frustrating?

Unfortunately I am out of suggestions, apart from going back to Sony, as you previously stated.

It seems that everybody is still trying to disable all options and features on there set and is ok with it. After a couple of months I was fed up with it and started to talk to Sony a lot! And again and again and again till they did not like me anymore I think. They swapped the xe model for a 2019 model and all is good now.


keep calling and mailing those Sony guys and hammer on the fact that you are not getting what you payed for! 

we are working on a update is not good enough anymore, try this, disable that is not good enough anymore... time to act

Hi Rico112, just noticed you removed your last two posts above.


Thanks for notifying of the recent firmware update. The update noted the following feature: Improves the TV’s responsiveness when switching on from standby. I installed the update quite looking forward to the fact that finally the issue has probably been resolved. But NO! Thanks Sony—it's still the same and the random reboots whilst resuming from standby are still there.


My patience is wearing thin and I've almost been tempted to pull the bloody TV off the wall.


The workaround I posted a few months ago re: switching off remote start, didn't actually solve the problem. The problem is more than likely—and almost guaranteed to be—with Bravia Sync (HDMI-CEC). You also picked up on this in a previous post. How hard can this be to fix!! SONY??


To be frank, this is quite ridiculous and for me it's probably the last time I buy a piece of Sony kit, purely based on this current experience and regardless of anything else I've bought and enjoyed from Sony.


Would appreciate feedback of the update from anyone and is there any point following this up with Sony or will it just be a waste of time?

The issue remains with my 49xf9005 too. None of the workarounds help with the reboot from standby. I have my set connected to a sonos beam. If I use the optical adapter and disconnect from the hdmi arc the reboot problem doesn’t recur. 

Have had a support case open with Sony since August. Two failed service centre repairs, two failed s/w updates. I’m starting to think there must be something wrong with the hardware on the TV design that’s stopping Sony Fix through software. 

Have read on some posts that people have received refunds. That’s what id like now to close this out.

Yeah thanks. I don't use HDMI ARC since I have a soundbox connected via audio out. But, I do have a separate Chromecast plugged into HDMI—and use HDMI-CEC (Bravia Sync) to control playback using the remote.


It's probably not likely to be a hardware limitation? Since the problem didn't start until the firmware update just before this one (Oreo).


I think I'll disable Bravia Sync for a month as I've kind of come to the conclusion that it's to do with HDMI functions, which ever it is, and then after that, I don't know what. I don't even want to think about opening a case with Sony as you're saying that your one has been ongoing since august.


What to do. Does anyone from Sony actually check their forums?

If you are not using HDMI braviasync has no effect whatsever. If by audio out you mean the optical cable it is probably due to a setting in your soundbar that automatically switch on if it gets any signal from the fiber cable and the tv, periodically send that signal when doing some background jobs. Switch it off on the soundbar (even if in this case you'll have to turn it on manually any time you want to use it). If you have the possibility to choose an HDMI connection use that one, it is far better