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Software on TV not supported

Software on TV not supported

ASSUME THIS IS FOR ALL SONY TV's. I bought a KD-55XH9005 TV. All seemed fine but after two weeks I discovered that the reccord function from the TV Guide failed repeatedly. If it failed once the only way to get round this issue was to reset the TV to factory settings and go again. This has happened now multiple times. I contacted SONY support and they said they do not support the software. This is the software that SONY provided with the TV. I am now left with a TV that does not work and SONY will do nothing about it. This is not what I expected from a professional company. They say its not their software, its not mine!!! SONY put it on the TV. What can a customer do. I am out 1000euro as a result and I have a TV that I can't use. Sony say 'sorry for the inconvenience', I find the whole thing bizarre. SONY sell a product which they confirm themselves has an issue but will not support me with the issue. It has been now been 9 months . How could I ever trust this company again. Not supporting the software provided with your device is unbelieveable.


Are you sure they said is not supported or rather is not under warranty? It is quite different.


You will know Italian consumer law much better than me, but in the UK:

If the spec says it can record, then it must reliably record, or it is not fit for purpose under the Consumer Rights Act 2015;

If it has not been bought secondhand or at an auction, then you have a minimum 12 month guarantee.


In Italy though, I think the EU mandate a 2-year minimum?


Also in the UK, your contract is with the retailer, not Sony; if it is the same in Italy, you should be asking the retailer to take the set back and refund your money paid for it. 

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The TV was bought in Nov 2020, it was replaced in April 2020. The second TV had the same issue. THe issue was reported within 2 weeks of the first TV being received and within a week of the second. Sony support confirmed it was a software issue. But they say 'our warranty dose not cover software issues according to warranty terms and conditions.' So I suppose you are right they are saying it is not covered under their warranty. So what is the end user to do? This is the software provided by Sony to record on their TV. So SONY are trying to provide themselves with a disclaimer for a TV not working. How can this possibly be valid, how can SONY think this is alright to treat a customer in this way? I would be baffled that anyone would think that SONY are in the right here even in the most basic customer service.

Yes, same here in Ireland. I now have to take an action against the retailer to get my money back. We have a small claims function. Apart from being annoyed that SONY don't admit its their issue I have spent 9 months talking to SONY support trying to get them to sort the issue. I have about 20 emails telling me 'very sorry for the inconvenience you have been through', about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike.

I agree with @royabrown2  I am not used to UK & Ireland laws (in Italy is so much difficult to make a claim).

In any case, which actually was or rather still is the problem with recording on your TV ? It always worked like a charm on all my own Sony Android based TVs ....

The issue is intermittent. When it works its fine but you never know when it will work. Through the GUIDE on remote you set up a programme to record in the future. Mostly it works but sometimes it fails to record, it registers as recording and appears on your list to record but doesn't. You get no message to say it has failed and when you try to record anything else they fail (assume because the TV thinks something is already recording). The only way to get round this is to do a factory reset. An added complication which I did not already mention is the TV restarts itself without warning. This is not associated with the record issue and SONY gave me a settings change to fix which seems to work. Problem is when you do a factory reset I have to go through the settings change also. I have recorded video's for Sony on Youtube for the TV to help them support. Your welcome to look but I'd rather not put my name up here directly. Its a KD-55XH9005. Maybe you might see something I'm doing wrong but it seems quite basic. I have video's showing it working and videos showing it not.

@SonySoftwarenotSupported it is better you mantain anonymous in here, but maybe you could upload them on a different website. Normally it should show which error was encountered in the error log of timers in your tv...

Thanks, I did the youtube so that support could view easily. Size of video files made it difficult to send directly. If the errors came up on the error log that would be a big step forward. When it fails the software does not recognise the failure (no error log), the timer remains and shows that the programme is still being recorded despite timer having finished. I can't delete the item and the only way to clear is to do a factory reset. I am not sure why more don't report the issue. I wanted to use the TV for FTA television for satelite (it has 2 tuners). You should be able to watch one channel while recording another - its the only reason for having to tuners (both satelite). Not being able to use the record function with confidence means the TV's additional tuner is useless and you can't do something as simple as live pause. (not part of TV's spec but you can do this by using the record and watching on the second tuner in delay (I hope this is clear, explanation may not be my best work)

Yes it is clear but probably because I am not a mother tongue :wink:

You don't find other post like you because mostly it works (ok other complain for different problem like series recording or drive incompatibility ...) 

Your problem is quite curious, but you have investigated a lot into it there could be not much to do (probably you have also tried a real factory reset)