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Sony 55X850C - Screen Format: Full pop up when watching 3D


Sony 55X850C - Screen Format: Full pop up when watching 3D

Since the lastest firmware I keep getting a pop up on screen with 3D movies in the bottom left hand side. 


"Screen Format: Full" this is of course say it is using full pixel but it should not keep showing!


I cannot seem to find a way to disable this notification. It makes 3D useless as it keeps popping up! I even tried a factory reset to no avail.

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I noticed that the msg only appears when playing 3D Blurays, if you play a 3D movie file from NAS or USB the msg  doesnt come up at all.

Hi, I also have this infuriating problem.  I also have tried all settings, rebooting, resetting, reinstalling, NOTHING WORKS.  I have spent the last week since purchasing the TV (at great expense) hours on the phone every day to Sony support.  They claim "it is a known issue" and that they are "working on it".  HOWEVER since they cannot give me a date for resolution - it could be months away, if ever, I am going to have to return the TV for a full refund. I am also going to post a 1 out 5 review.  Unfortunately I can't give it 0 out of 5.


This is nothing short of a disgrace Sony!..engineers just attended my tv and put in a new motherboard that didn't work..engineers just took my 4 month old 65 inch Sony back to the workshop. This tv is totally screwed ...I have no tv or 3D till it gets fixed one way or another. I am so dissapointed in Sony. £'s spent on phone calls. .no fix in sight..a tv that cost £2000!..Sony should be replacing this tv with a brand new one not taking the back off and messing about when it's still well within its manufacturers warranty. What on earth is Sony playing at!!?? 😞

I fully agree this is a DISGRACE and Sony is relying on the goodwill and patience of customers who perhaps don't know their rights or are too kind to enforce their rights.  Fortunately for me, I only bought this TV recently from the Sony Centre and I do know my rights, I also know how PATHETIC this software issue is!


I CLASSIFY THIS TV AS "NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE".  Although it "kind of" works, it has this issue and Sony is unable to fix it.  Therefore there is no alternative but to demand a FULL REFUND from Sony OR a replacement TV that WORKS 100% OUT OF THE BOX.  This TV is DOUBLE the price of competing TVs from Samsung, LG, Panasonic etc.  There is one big difference - those manufacturers TVs DON NOT HAVE THIS PATHETIC SOFTWARE PROBLEM.

Oh, I forgot to add that another pathetic defect with the software of the 55X850C is that HDD recoding DOES NOT WORK either.  In the guide it tells you where to plug in the HDD recorder.  On the back of the TV there is a USB port labelled "HDD record".  SO I plugged in my HDD recorder and then looked for the menu option to record.. THERE IS NONE.  When I questioned Sony Support on this other defect, they said "oh, we are working on the software for that and hopefully it will be released in a few weeks".  WHATTTTT!!!!!


This means that Sny has released this TV with software defects, bugs and some basic functions like HDD not even implemented yet!  An utter disgrace - DO NOT BUY THIS TV, and if you have I strongly suggest demanding a full refund so you can find a TV that works.


I told the Sony engineers this morning that this tv should be replaced immediately under their manufacturers warranty with no question. What rights do we have in this of goods act?'s so close to Christmas too!..someone needs to give Sony a very serious phone call!


Yes the price is good on the Sony. If I can ask did sony centre discount the tv or was it full retail  Sent from my Samsung device


In terms of the Sale of Goods Act, Trading Standards and general consumer rights, there is no doubt whatsoever that these S85 TVs would be classified as "NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE" and therefore should be immediately refunded in full or replaced for a working unit.  The reason they are not fit for purpose is that they do not work as described or as expected.  In my case, the only functions I would use this TV for are 1) Playing Blu Ray 3D 2) HDD recording.  Since NEITHER of these features work properly, the TV is not usable for the purpose I bought it for (and which Sony assured me prior to purchase that it would).


Even if this was a one-off faulty TV, you would still have these rights.  However this is NOT a one off.  As demonstrated very clearly in this forum, and as now admitted by Sony, thisare general faults which they have been unable to fix to date.  Therefore anyone would be entitled to replacement or refund.  My problem is, I need a 55" curved TV and I believe this is the only model that Sony makes!



Review rejected  Sent from my Samsung device


I am stll waiting for my motherbaord replacement etc, will post when replaced. Yes it maybe a software problem but you dont spend money replacing hardare if there is no problem with the hardware (20yrs working in IT ). It is possible the updates brought to light failings in the hardware,ie memory, faulty chips or just not goog enough. We will see , it it does not fix the problems then it will go back for another replacement unfortunately they are all Android TV's.