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Sony and the Republic of Ireland

Sony and the Republic of Ireland

I consider it very unfair that people who have purchased eReaders in the Republic of Ireland do not get the same service as people in the UK.  We are unable to register our Readers because Sony doesn't seem to recognise that the Republic of Ireland is a different country to the UK. They are prepared to sell the Readers here though.


Padraig - yes, it's a bummer. I don't quite understand why this problem hasn't been addressed by Sony, but  you don't need to worry . The only things you're losing out on is, first,  the Reader Store - which, after all, is what it says , a store. Users have found no advantages over others, and prices are not particularly keen, and choice, as yet, is limited.

The second is wifi, which, if you think about it, is only useful if you need to buy a book NOW. I rarely am that desperate..... (The browser I suppose is possibly useful, but I find it really non-user friendly in operation, not precise, and difficult to read in most lights - well mine is, anyway.

Given the position of Sony with Eire sales of their goods, you need a different strategy.

If, like a lot of us, you like the Sony hardware, and dislike the Amazon market model/position, I think - and I'm happy to be corrected if I'm wrong, and to be told that Sony owners in Eire have the same facilities in some way I don't know about  - your best course of action is to install the excellent Calibre ebook management system, which is the best system there is for general and specialist ereading needs - and all makes of readers. It is free, secure, and the work of a dedicated team of experts.

You can then buy your books/get them from who you like online, into the Calibre Library, then into the T1 - it is a perfect fit for the T1. Google Calibre to find out more.

Then also sign up to MobileRead Forum, again free and secure, truly global, and run by enthusiasts, many professionals with terrific tech no-how, There you'll find others in your position, and sources/resources, expert help & advice/ a huge library. formatted by members, etc...

Both these will help you enjoy your Sony T1 as you have a right to expect - although I sorry I can't help over the wifi/Reader siuation.

Good luck, and I hope this helps.

In defense of Sony they're not doing anything really unusual

The Sony e-reader is available in many countries around the world but until recently only had ebook stores in the USA (and Japan I think)

I've had a Sony reader for over two years, the fact that we've not had a UK store has not been a problem.

This same principle is applied to the many MP3 players on the market. How many MP3 player manufactures also have a music store? They don't, they supply the hardware and let the user get the music from wherever they like.

Being honest I just don't understand the obsession in wanting a dedicated store, just use one of the many other epub book stores out there

I agree sehuxle - the problem I think the OP has is that he can't use the T1 as it is supposed to be used in the manual, (like you are/were advised to do with the x50 generation) because he cant register it.

As you say, Sony aren't aren't alone in this, nor are ereaders in general.

But Calibre is, I would think, the best solution for him.

My wife's Bookeen used Calibre straight out of the box, and my second 350 also - first  one being  "borrowed" by son to take away to university; no sign of any return yet :neutral: .