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Giga Juke


Giga Juke

I have a sony giga juke.  It will not turn on using the remote - it is showing a blue flashing light as if it is in standby but the controls on the unit or the remote will not work.  This happended before and I had to turn it off at the mains.  Has anyone had this problem.

367 REPLIES 367


I am also considering quitting as well.

I have now de wired the link to modem, reconnected my dongle and  got my systems talking through AOSS.

I also reveresd the settings as per the orinal PDF Temp Fix instructions.

Carried out a reset then carried out the instructions as per the Temp Fix istrction but instead of connecting to the inernet I have connected through the AOSS as above.

Clearly the HARD WORK by SPEC though temporary needs a full assault by Sony on Monday.

I bought my system through AMAZON and on a credit card so I intend talking to the credit card company inrespect of is it covered as a defective sale, also realised that I have not done a review of the product so have decided that now is the time to do so and perhaps all other unhappy Bunnies do so as well via the shop or site you purchased and log on to sites similar to Amazon were you can do a review whether you bought it thrpugh them or not. - structurally, point out the software issues, the locking up, and any other issues you have experienced - be factual and Honest saying somethis C*** does not put people off but stating exacly whats wrong with them will affect sales and sales of other Sony products, rather then doing resets go online and post your facts to potentail buyers.

Good Luck


As you will be aware all those linked to this thread have no discovered that the fix was only temporary, sytems and units have been locking up again after approximatly 24 hrs - this is a shame as SPEC worked really hard on Friday to try and help allviate the issue until Sony Japan came to the resuce.

One further attempt by myself  as givemn me some hope.

I have left all of the settings as per your PDF

Auto Clock set to Off

Wireless Lan Connected

In addition I have the following Settings in Place

The System is connecting via AOSS wirelessly - Buffalo unit connected to my Modem/Router

The NAS - C5E is connected AOSS wirelessy

The Automatic Analysis is set to off.

The Power off Mode is set to Staandard.

Since yesterday afternoon when I put these settings in place I have not had to do a rest/reboot to get the unit to fire up and I am able to use the NAS - C5E.

Before Sending this email/posting I have turned the unit on and off 3 times and it has every time returned to the last track played - I just have press enter or the play button on the remote.

I hope this information is useful in solving the problem.


Thanks Simon

I will pass that and the rest of the feedback to the engineers this morning.  For reference, the two machines we have here are still working, both of which previously locked up.

With this in mind, I really would recommend running this process before dismissing it.  I appreciate that some are still having problems, and we will do all we can to resolve them, however for many it seems to be working ok.

As always, thank you for taking the time to post your updates, they really are very useful.


One more thing.  Can I ask those whose machines continue to lock up after applying this fix, if you unplug the unit at all?

We have been carrying out tests this morning and noticed the unit resets itself and goes back to locking up.

It might not be relevant to your machine but I thought it was worth mentioning, just in case.



I do not unplug my unit at any time, during all of this situation I have not unplugged the unit I have only used the reset facility.

A couple of quick questions for Sony and the thread users

What version of Software is on your Unit - mine is 1.01.00 System Micro 1.00A

The PDF download instruction screen shots were different to mine and I had to use a bit of CS to find where the instructions related to.

Are there different versions as others thread users also did not have the same as the screen shots given.

Many Thanks



I went through the process detailed in the pdf and within 12 hours the problem had re-appeared. I also didn't physically unplug my unit, just performed the reset using the buttons.To my mind, the process wasn't a fix and I'm guessing that even if I had just performed the reset and left the wireless dongle in, the problem would have re-appeared during a similar time span.

I have a question though, the process described in the pdf document seems to perform a software update but there is no indication after the event that a software update has taken place, the software levels are still exactly the same as prior to the update so how can that be:

     Software:           1.00.00

     System Micro:   1.00A

     CD Firm:            5ORO

I've worked in IT for about twenty years now and have always been able to check what the new version is following an update? To me the software update process hasn't done anything otherwise displaying the versions would show a differenece or am I missing something here ??

A question to the moderator: Can you publish the software versions available for each of the GigaJuke models (and if possible a fix history showing previous versions and the problems they fixed ?).

Normally when fixing a problem with technology, the first thing to do is set up a test rig that you can reproduce the problem on. As of yet, I haven't seen any of the moderators ask for model numbers, software versions and exact settings from anybody so how are they going to effectively reproduce a problem that is identicle to any of ours without it being a complete fluke ?

I am running mine without the wireless dongle for now which is annoying but at least I can play music and listen to the radio. I plug in the dongle whan I need to access Gracenotes when ripping a cd but then take it back out again so as to not get the problem again. This is a real faf so would really like somebody who knows what they are doing to take this seriously and get to the bottom of fixing the issue.

Thanks, Neil.

I applied the fix on Saturday.  By last night it had locked up again.

My system was bought almost 3 years ago.

I first noticed the issue in September.

I only have about 10,000 tracks on the system.

I am on wireless network, using a range extended from my router.

My menu did not look like the picture in the PDF, but the route to clock settings was obvious.

I have not unplugged the unit since the fix was applied.

I have not added any new tracks since the fix was applied.

It seems to me that the obvious starting point should be "What changed in September?".  Identify all external interactions.  Isolate changes in these.  Try rolling back the changes.  Is this too simplistic?

Given that Giga Juke owners have probaly registered their products, why is there no regular email news from Sony?  Half of this problem is the lack of a communications strategy.  Many owners are probably still unaware that this is a known problem and not specific to their unit.

Please Sony, give us a regular update on what you are doing and what progress has been made.  You could even ask us to contribute to the solution by sending us a questionnaire about the settings of our machines and the particular problems, rather than relying on just the two machines you have in your office.


I also have a 3 year old GigaJuke. I haven't used it much recently but did get round to playing with it over the weekend. Lo and behold it latched up, having looked at the forum I see it is an ongoing problem I have printed out the pdf fix and will try it this evening but I fear it will not be the solution. Hope Tokyo get get their finger out and find a solution soon.

Thanks for that everyone.

Bit of a follow up to my previous mail

As we wanted to get something out before the weekend, the guide published on Friday was written for the NASS500HDE. Details of the NASS55HDE have since been given by other forum members, which was very much appreciated.

  • Reset unit.
  • Turn off auto clock set.
  • Software update
  • HDD Jukebox
  • Software update - Error message displayed
  • Use product as normal.

Do not unplug unit - This resets the product and will cause lock-up.  If you do unplug it, you will need to repeat steps 6, 7 & 8.

Leave the product on "quick start-up" in the system menu - standby mode"  We are checking the standby "Standard -power save" for any side effects

Software Updates/Models

At present the software version are not relevant, Issue can be reproduced on all versions of the product.

Best regards



I have tried the Solution twice, and within two to three cycles of switching on and off the system

locks up again.

I don't switch off at the mains at all.

Would the suggestion made earlier regarding all the people posting on the forum giving all thier settings/experiences be useful to Japan?

BTW I am local and am ex CIC so if there is anything I can offer to assist please PM or email me.

