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Giga Juke


Giga Juke

I have a sony giga juke.  It will not turn on using the remote - it is showing a blue flashing light as if it is in standby but the controls on the unit or the remote will not work.  This happended before and I had to turn it off at the mains.  Has anyone had this problem.

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My first message was 26/09. My NAS stopped working properly 2 weeks before that. Today, 2 MONTHS LATER WE STILL HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM. Come on. You are fooling us. If you had seriously investigate this problem you should had come with a solution. At least BE HONEST WITH US. WE GAVE YOU OUR MONEY.


Perhaps if we ask once again...

You say the engineers have identified the issue with the product and the Gigajuke server. Please tell me what the issue was.

You say a fix has been developed which is being thoroughly tested and going through the verification process.  How long will this take, and when can we reasonabley expect to be able to apply the fix?

You say the fix will affect 'so many machines'.  Are you referring to the users on this forum?  How are Sony going to contact all the other users who have been so far left in the dark?

Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Even I, the eternal optimist, am becoming increasingly concerned at the lack of further updates from Sony. I have sent 2 PMs which so far have gone unanswered.

Come on guys .... Update!

Ok, so some of you may have noticed a change with your GigaJukes over the last 24 hours?  At least I hope some of you have, as we uploaded the permanent fix yesterday afternoon.

The units we have here, which are now fully restored to the 'normal' settings and connected to the internet,  are still working and have not locked up.   This is not a firmware update, so there will not be any visable signs of change, beyond the unit working as it did before.

With this in mind, and when you get the chance, can you all check your own machines, reconnect them and, if possible, drop us a quick update on what happens next.  Hopefully we will start to see similar positive results throughout the community.

As I said in my previous post, we had the fix last week, but needed to fully test its robustness and find a way to deliver it to your machines.  As it happened, the second part proved to be a bit of speed bump, and while we were as keen as anyone to get this fix out, it simply couldn’t be done without making sure the delivery method was as secure as the fix.

I fully appreciate that this has taken much longer than anyone would like, and has been the cause of some considerable frustration for all.  On behalf of Sony, I am really very sorry that we couldn’t get this out sooner; I can assure you, it wasn’t through lack of effort.

Best regards

Ok, so some of you may have noticed a change with your GigaJukes over the last 24 hours?  At least I hope some of you have, as we uploaded the permanent fix yesterday afternoon.

The units we have here, which are now fully restored to the 'normal' settings and connected to the internet,  are still working and have not locked up.   This is not a firmware update, so there will not be any visable signs of change, beyond the unit working as it did before.

With this in mind, and when you get the chance, can you all check your own machines, reconnect them and, if possible, drop us a quick update on what happens next.  Hopefully we will start to see similar positive results throughout the community.

As I said in my previous post, we had the fix last week, but needed to fully test its robustness and find a way to deliver it to your machines.  As it happened, the second part proved to be a bit of speed bump, and while we were as keen as anyone to get this fix out, it simply couldn’t be done without making sure the delivery method was as secure as the fix.

I fully appreciate that this has taken much longer than anyone would like, and has been the cause of some considerable frustration for all.  On behalf of Sony, I am really very sorry that we couldn’t get this out sooner; I can assure you, it wasn’t through lack of effort.

Best regards

Updated 25th November.

Message was edited by: StartTheCar

Message was edited by: StartTheCar

Message was edited by: StartTheCar


As with each time you have posted, you have provided some answers to the issue, and personally I again have to thank you for doing so. I am not however going to shout this from the rooftops until I see positive results at home, but I am sure that you will find that the people on this forum will be a lot more responsive in letting you know than Sony have been with us, and if it does work then you will hear about it....

However I still do not see an explanation as to what the cause of the problem actually was, and what the fix is doing to remedy this. You mentioned earlier that this was not even close to being a hack so what was it?

Can I also say that I am not letting Sony UK off the hook at all. The incident logging system and CIC group are a poor excuse for customer service. The 8 weeks we've had to wait for this, with continual lies and ineptitude is simply not acceptable.

Got the update today and so far so good nice to a working unit instead of an expensive brick!

Will test out other functions over the weekend, cheers.


Thanks for this - how can I and others tell that an update has taken place ?

Also my system cannot still find my modem wirelessly whether it is in another room or right next 2 it so at present it only appears to work hard wired.

I shall keep you posted as to whether it locks up again - my first tests will be internet rdio and party mode - the main function I believe.

Kind regards

Obviously take your time and make sure, we are not exactly in a position to ask people to rush to any sort of judgement.

Given that the fault was with the server end of the process, and not with the Gigajukes (which were never actually faulty) there is only so much detail I can go into; for obvious reasons.

I can confirm that we have changed data files on the Gigajuke server, which should now prevent this issue from occurring again.

Had it been a hardware issue, or pretty much anything not server based, we would be able to be able to go into much greater detail.

Have a good weekend


Thanks Lee,

I do appreciate that if the fault was with Sony's servers that you can not go into too much detail.  I just hope that it has been fixed so there is no reoccurance.

I have reconnected to the internet and will use it for the next couple of days and keep my fingers crossed!!!

Thanks in anticipation.