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Giga Juke


Giga Juke

I have a sony giga juke.  It will not turn on using the remote - it is showing a blue flashing light as if it is in standby but the controls on the unit or the remote will not work.  This happended before and I had to turn it off at the mains.  Has anyone had this problem.

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So far so good for me, I plugged my wireless dongle back in to my NAS-S55 this morning and so far everything seems to be working ok, including the C5E station. The dongle seems to flickering away occasionally though even though the C5E is switched off so god knows what it's up to !

Fingers crossed this fix is a keeper.

I did try another software update (just for the sheer fun of it) and got the message about Server access failed, Check settings ! Mmmmmmm should this still bother me ?

NAS S55HDE SW 1.01.00 SM 1.00A


BUFFALO Wireless Station WAP NA1

Wireless Adapter UWA NA1

To all those who are asking how do I do this or that can I sugesst that you do the following.

Pretend you have just got it out of the box

Get your manuals out (if you have lost them go on line my Sony and down load them )

Follow the instructions for each stage as per the manuals

This is what I have done and all is working fine except for the fact that whilst I can only connect to the internet via hard wire link to my router and hard wire link to my Buffalo and AOSS from here to my NAS C5E

I have tested in Party Mode, x-DJ ( in all areas such as playlist, explore and recomendations such as evening, morning and afernoon) Mode, Stand alone (in all area such as playlist , explore and HD) mode and Internet radio mode and each time they have have played happily and I have crossed back and for between each mode

At present I have not been able to do this wirelessly using the UWA - NA1 dongle.

My 3 TVs, 2 Blu-ray players PLaystation3 , Laptop and Notebook (all Sony) are able to see the NAS S55HDE when I press the Home button and go to the music element on the cross bar in all case I have been able to play different tracks in different modes at the same time.

Whilst I am happy at present I am holding my breath as to whether the matter is closed, resolved or not.

Additional Note - Internet radio

Can only find Live 365 .com

Shoutcast just appears to hang and and thats that - still exists online but not on the NAS C5E - perhaps this is where the problems stem from - any one else tried ?

Message was edited by: simonjash

Message was edited by: simonjash

Simon, you seem to be on a patched version of software (1.01) where most others are on 1.0

I too am on

software 1.01.00

system micro:1.00A

cd firm:50w0

hdd id:pqza7ym8

If we need software 1.00 how can we get it if this is what is needed to make the c5 boxes work?


Not sure when this occured, however when we were asked info about our systems I advised on 9th Nov that my software version was 1.01 - see page 12 of this thread

I believe  there are others on this version as well.

I think what Steve is saying is that maybe because mine appears to work correclty - hard wired perhaps we all need this version

just realised I can't hard wire mine as the router is too far from the main unit.

So untill Sony get this sorted still cant use the damn c5box.

TBH I think what was steve has been saying about the server being turned off even to my limited knowledge sounds the most plausible explaination as I have tried to update and it is saying no server found or words to that effect.

Come on Sony sort it out you have scuppered my attempt at a refund so fix it please please please.

Can anyone connect to the internet using the wireless setup ?

A fundamental part of the system is that the dongle connects wirelessly to your home internet  modem/router

also when your C5E is talking to your system through the AOSS buffalo what sort of strength signal is shown on the screen

also is anyone else able to  get any form of internet radio

real questions

My c5 unit connects to my pc via wireless and Internet radio with no issue. It simply cannot connect to mt s55. as far as aim aware is the only radio you can get as it is hard wired into the c5 unit. I really wishing didn't buy the extender box, I would not be in the prdicament I am in now. The c5 box is a let down. No DAB no Fm, limited Internet radio, the only real use was connecting to the S55 and now it cannot even do that!

Good morning.

I have pushed, pulled and poked everything in site, and so far, everything seems to be working OK!

EXCEPT my settings still say I have no connection to the internet - but this CANNOT be the case because I have recently copied new CDs and the information from Gracenote has downloaded happily!

One thing that I seem to have done differently is to have the wireless LAN setting to Instant (S-IWS) not AOSS.

Best wishes to all.