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Giga Juke


Giga Juke

I have a sony giga juke.  It will not turn on using the remote - it is showing a blue flashing light as if it is in standby but the controls on the unit or the remote will not work.  This happended before and I had to turn it off at the mains.  Has anyone had this problem.

367 REPLIES 367


What happened when you did the search for available access points?

Well as of today all seems to be100% working, basically just turned mine off then on after the update, it automatically connected to routers and servers without any intervention from me.

By the way the main unit is not N compatable, but the s5's are, a strange situation.

Hi Spoysers when i did the access point search nothing came up.

After that I suddenly remebered that when I was on the phone to Sony 'customer services':smileylaugh:  they had me change the numbers in a load of the settings for the IP address etc so was a bit naughty and went back in and changed it to what my netgear router is.I may have done a silly thing and made it even worse I do not know, but had to turn it off and leave it as we are having a bit of a major family drama here ATM.

If you can think of anything else I can do pls advise, however as things stand it may take me time to get around to doing it.

have to say with everything else going on in my life I REALLY don't need this ....  all i want is to go to my conservatory and sit in peace listening to my music that reminds me of happier times.Hey ho such is life.

i do appreciate you trying to help me and I have a dream that one day it may work again.

After that I suddenly remebered that when I was on the phone to Sony 'customer services':smileylaugh:  they had me change the numbers in a load of the settings for the IP address etc

That might explain a few things, it sound like the Sony router isn't working and therefore they had you bypass it by manually entering some settings.

The fact that it can't detect your router is rather worrying though, I will have to look into what settings could be changed to cause this and see how to undo them. When you spoke to Sony did they get you to change anything on the router or was it all at the Gigajuke end?

In the meantime can you retry the scan and see if it is able to detect your router?

Also retry using the Sony router and see if you can get an IP address again, there is a good chance it won't be the same as last time, and again try pinging it.

Message was edited by: spoysers

Message was edited by: spoysers

Hi spoyser,

Sony only had me change the giga settings but they suggested at the time that I ring my internet provider and see if they had nay suggestions (obv now we know they were sending me up ablind alley) and the guy there was helpful and he suggested I try changing the channel of the router to try and get a better reception ? so he talked me through that and I understood what he was getting me to do, but as it didnt work no matter what channel it was on I eventually set it back to the default no1.

will try and get around to  doing it all again later today.


The ''Expert' to which I refered to before isnt in yet, so I went straight to the source and got answers from our Product Qulity Engineers.  Their replies in bold.

1) Why are some of the same model Gigajukes on different version of Software (v1.0.0 or v1.0.1)? Version change during production, very little difference (see below)

2) What is the difference between the versions? Release notes? A change was made to allow transfer of music from a Sony ATRAC Walkman

3) How do you upgrade v1 to v1.01 if you feel inclined? The update can be carried out from a CD at Sony authorised service centre. There is no option for a customer to download this update. we are testing with both versions of the firmware. Please note, this is only required for the Atrac Walkman functionality.

4) How do the Gigajukes know they are connected to the Internet? Not sure, we are checking why they display the message not connected to internet

5) Specific for me - How do the service agents obtain an image of  the software and how do they apply this in the event of a Hard drive failure. (My brothers unit has been with a Sony agent for 3 months with this issue). Why is the HDD being changed, for the locking up issue? The files are made available to all authorised repair agents.  If the ASC is having difficulties they should be discussing it with the Trade technical line. 3 months is totally unacceptable to make the customer wait.

With regards to the last point, I couldn’t agree more, no repair, regardless of its nature, should take three months.  I would also like to double check they are not carrying out a repair because the unit was locking up.  As we all know, that would seem rather pointless now.

PM the details of anything like this to me and I can put the both sets on engineers in contact with each other.


For me this is the biggest issue now.....

     4) How do the Gigajukes know they are connected to the Internet? Not sure, we are checking why they      display the message not connected to internet

If you decided to sell the GigaJuke it's one of the things that someone is going to claim the unit is faulty because the GigaJuke says it's not connected to the internet.

And, I regard it that way as well. It's still FAULTY ! Sony.....


Thanks for the updates.

My CS5 has agin stopped connecting to my Gigajuke! I saw this last night when i tried to play it. It can see the NAS SH55 with an Exclaimation. I tried to delete it but it failed. I ran out of time so will try this again at the weekend.

Prior to all the issues recently the CS5 was never rock solid at staying conected to the Gigajuke.

I downloaded an APP for my IPAD which can connect to DNLA servers, it could not see the Gigajuke (but could the CS5). I held the power button and stop on the Gigajuke to restart the unit. The IPAD could then see and connect to it!

There is something flaky with the way the Gigajukes start their services!

Everything seems to be working ok for me (I have the NAS SH55) - except I have noticed that whenever the unit goes on standby and I turn it on again the preset equaliser always defaults back to 'flat'.  Has anyone else noticed this?

Thanks Lee, btw, for your help and the fact you have always stayed professional and polite.

Message was edited by: sphinxxxxx

Message was edited by: sphinxxxxx


I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone on this thread for saving me from parting with more of my hard earned cash and easing the nagging from my missus!!!

I bought my Gigajuke NAS-S55HDE and two client units (NAS-C5E) approximately 3 years ago.  Not being that technically minded, I had a few initial teething problems, specifically in losing connection between the server and client units, however I soon mastered what had to be done when the connection was lost.

Within 8 months the server unit would not switch on and had to be taken to my local Sony authorised repairer, where after some difficulty for the repairer (who stated that Sony Technical Dept could not provide answers to the problem as it was such a new device on the market at that time?!) it was eventually returned to me in full working order.

In September this year the server unit would not switch on again, with that damned blue light continually flashing, although the client units still worked fine.  Reluctant to point out that the unit was not working in the knowledge that I would once again be subjected to an 'I told you it was a waste of money' speech from my wife, I decided to keep it to myself.  Of course this could only be hidden for so long and a few weeks ago my wife advised me that she could not switch it on.  I told her I was aware of the problem which was her queue to begin her 'I told you so' speech!!  :cry:

Believing that this was the same problem as two years ago, I phoned my local repairer and arranged to take the unit to them tomorrow.  Angry at the thought of having to shell out on a repair, I intended writing to Sony to voice my disappointment in their product, however before doing so decided to look up the Gigajuke on their website and stumbled across this forum.  I have to say that I was mighty relieved to find that I was not the only one experiencing this problem, as I thought it was just a fault with my unit.  Having now read all 23 pages of the thread, I am happy to report that my server unit is now working fine again, as are both my client units!!! (Well for now anyway!!)

I can now make that call to the repairer in the morning and let them know I'll not be coming after all!! (Well for now anyway!!) :slight_smile:

Whilst I'm on here (and if you've not dozed off by now) can anyone tell me if there is an update available for the system which will allow you to search your music files by selecting the relative letter in the alphabet, rather than scrolling through A-Z, which takes forever and is extremely frustrating?  I was surprised that a company like Sony would not have had this facility installed from the outset, however had hoped that this was something they would look to have rectified at some point in the last 3 years with an update!!  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

It's good to know that I now have somewhere to come when I have future problems with my Gigajuke.
