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BDP-S185 freezing when BBC iplayer is selected


BDP-S185 freezing when BBC iplayer is selected

Hi all,

sorry if this is mentioned elsewhere but I couldn't find it anywhere.

I recently bought a BDP-S185 in February 2012 with the attraction of BBC iplayer and lovefilm etc. And its been doing it's job wonderfully until yesterday. I hhave just got back from a two week trip and when i tried to watch iplayer it's caused my Blu-ray player to freeze on the 'wallpaper' (normal blue line bckground thing, but without the menus).

It wont respond and after quite a while will just turn itself off. Everything else works, and I've tried turning it off at the wall and trying again, a factory reset (though I think thats only regarding the settings) and the firmware is up-to-date.

Has anyone else had a similar issue and if so, how did you resolve it?

Many thanks

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Nice one Ben - Let us all know anyway so we can give it a go on our sets.

Even if it's not permanent, hopefully it will revive everyones interest and everyone will get back onto Sony so they can give us an official fix!


Hi Ben, I too would be willing to give it a try. Regardless, my BDP S185 is shortly to be returned

As if by magic, iPlayer appeared

I don't know how or why but I now have iPlayer back up and running on my BDP S185 :slight_smile:

Okay so a couple of days on the fix seems to be still working. Firstly not sure quite how it works but my assumption is that in some way the following resets the iplayer apps individual server settings (as it's filtered through a sony proxy which renders the iplayer content for the sony apps) giving it the ability to connect again.

So I did the following. Firstly I went to check the Iplayer app which crashed naturally. I then held the power button until the player turned off.

After turning back on go to the network settings and select wired connection settings (can't remember the exact wording.) I then selected manual setup, skipped DHCP and DNS setting both to auto then chose to add a proxy server.

No the aim here is to some extent get it wrong. So I entered a proxy server I know not to be in use any more. (In my case an old virgin media server: with port set as 3128 (or 8080)).

Save these settings (it will do a test connection which will take a few moments and appear to be successful.

Return to the video section and attempt to open IPlayer. This will fail giving an error message relating to the internet connection. I did this several times just to make sure (it will fail each time).

After this I returned to the network settings returning the wired network settings to automatic (thereby removing the proxy settings)

Then back to video, select Iplayer giving it a good min or two and it should load as it's supposed to.

That's it.

Now this worked for me, it may work for others. Give it a go and report back!



Ben, no joy for me. I managed to follow your steps, the fake proxy server was accepted, but everything froze when I tried to launch the iplayer app. Really annoyed with this situation, as many have said before, this is the main reason the machine was bought. I'm going to monitor this page for a few days to see if there are any new ideas, then the machine is going back.

Has anybody had any experience of a replacemnt BDP-S185 working? Is it worth my while swapping? Or should I cut my losses? I've also seen that other players have similar problems, there is an LG model with a forum page as long as this one 😞

ps to the Sony moderators, please remove the "Question answered" flag at the start of this chain. The question has demonstrably not been answered, and the link doesn't even go anywhere.

Sadly the fix posted by Ben does not work on my player either - it doesn't get as far as displaying an error message about the connection when you select iPlayer with a dead proxy server in place - it simply crashes to the blue wallpaper screen as it usually does.

I am having the same problem and got the same reply as stwilli34 since I am with Talk Talk too. I reply to Sony customer service to say Talk Talk say there is no problem and they say they will escalate but I am not holding my breath for anything good to come out of it. It has been going on for so long now with no solution in sight, just passing the buck.

The fix posted by Ben does not work for me either.

Had a voicemail from Sony support answering the support log I opened back in August.  After appearing to have made no effort to resolve the problem they are now washing their hands of the fault and have said my ISP is to blame.

Given that I have tried the same box on TalkTalk and Sky and others with the problem on here don't all use the same provider, any company with a technical support team who were not simpletons would not diagnose it to be the fault of my ISP - unless they are blaming a group of UK ISPs for this fault, which would be rather novel!