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BDV-E380 HD Sound Sync issue

BDV-E380 HD Sound Sync issue

I am currently deciding whether to return the BDV-E380 I just bought and was also curious as to whether anyone else has the same problem?

Out of the box:

1. Sound is fine on DVD, AVI and TV (SD and HD);

2. Sound is fine on Blu-Ray with Dolby Digital sound;

3. Sound is out of sync on Blu-Rays with HD Sound (TrueHD / MasterHD).

Set A/V Sync to 175:

1. Sound is fine on HD soundtracks;

2. Sound is out on other media although not noticably so on SD TV.

I spoke to the shop and was told that they would speak to Technical. I also sent an email to customer support.

1. The shop advised that technical told them it was a known issue and would be fixed;

2. Customer Support said it was normal and "as designed".

Now obviously someone is lying but assuming the latter is the truth I don't think it should be normal! Why should I have to constantly change settings to get the lip sync right - once at set up sure but not on an ongoing basis?

The fix should be a simple matter of setting the delay for HD 175ms different to the other types, not hard to code.

Anyone else having this issue?


I myself don't seem to be suffering the lip-sync issues... just seem to detect a slight jerky motion when panning, but that's for another thread.

Interesting. Have you adjusted it at all?

I've noticed that the biggest discrepancies are between HD TV Channels with Dolby Sound and the HD soundtrack Blu-Rays. The Sony guy I was emailing said the "normal feature" (or as I call it the "problem") is caused by increased processing time on HD Soundtracks.

My understanding is that the A/V Sync feature actually introduces a delay to the sound when increased, it's purpose it to allow for differing processing speeds in televisions and as such should:

a) make a slow soundtrack worse not better;

b) need only be set once to synchronise the surround system and television.

I asked the rep to register my complaint with Sony, I haven't had a response yet....

Latest from Sony (I don't know whether to lauch or cry):

"Unfortunately the issue that you are experiencing is one of the drawbacks of purchasing an all in one home theatre system. The system will need to be adjusted for different films as the soundtrack for each film is different, Sony cannot adapt the equipment for individual media that is played."

What a load of rubbish, I'd accept it from a load of different devices - buying an all-in-one should mean that you don't have to resynchronise!!!!

My response:

"Sony might not be expected to build a system that is in sync with connected external devices out f the box, which is the purpose of the A/V Sync feature however media played by the device itself should be in sync as it is output.

It is a simple matter of the device allowing the correct time for audio processing of the individual streams. As I have said I don't object to matching the lip sync to the display as part of setting up initially (although this is supposed to be automatic from HDMI 1.3 onwards) and I would not have a big issue if an external device such as Sky needed adjustment but there is no reason whatsoever that the device should not be expected to play internal media correctly."


Sony might be taking this seriously. There is a request for everyone with lip sync issues on the E380 and some other devices to call them (see below re the number though) and give details:

Get on there and let them know this needs fixing!!

BUT the number quoted is (at the moment, I did tell them) wrong. It is not 0844 84 666 555 it is 0844 8466 555.


Yes Sony are asking for help but not via the link or phone number that that Simon posted above..

If you are encountering lip sync please click on the following link to supply more details - Lip sync problems