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Recording problem with HXD890

Recording problem with HXD890

I have a Sony DVD Recorder HXD890 which has always given good service, but recently, trying to record on a manual setting - which has worked in the past - although it appears to be recording, all I get is a blank black screen.   Many of the digital channels do not display any programs on the guide and it is these I am trying to record on manual settings.   Recording on Guide setting is fine.   I have followed the manual for the manual setting, so know this is not the problem.   Any help or suggestions would be welcome.


Your HXD should record what you can see live: did you get any image when it is tuned on those stations? My guess is that you have a tuning problem (known bug on these device); if this is the case just reset the recorder (press stop and poweroff button together without any disk on tray, unplug from power for 1-2 minutes, go through the easy setup procedure) and you should get the guide information as well as your recording features.