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KD-65S9005B with pkg2.704eua apps has dissapeared


KD-65S9005B with pkg2.704eua apps has dissapeared

Model: KD-65S9005B

Firmware: pkg2.704eua


In the app list ther is no apps,

download Internet content ok 

Wifi connected to LAN is ok.

Internet connection OK

Diagnostic OK

Factory restore - done.


Still no apps showing.


I have sent email to Sony support and have not even got a autoreply to confirm a ticket. I find the support functions very poor and I'm realy dissapointed by the function and support for such  an expensive device.


Hoppfully someone here might have a good advise.


Tags (1)

Accepted Solutions

Problem cause found and corrected, short version: Allow Java applets.

Problem Solved.

Here are my latest troubleshooting steps and explanation how to reach this

Current setup:

ISP TeliaSonera ----| ADSL Modem |-------| Linksys WRT54GL v1.1 DD-WRT
v24-sp2 mini |-------- LAN -----| Sony TV

This setup does not work to download and use apps. Funny is that some
Internet media works, the built-in app "a clock" showing images from
Internet do work. Previous packet captures done on the inside I have
pointed out that some communication seem to take place where others seems
my TV is waiting for data to be received. Next planned step was to bring a
switch and setup portspan / mirror on the outside to do packet capture, but
I don't have the switch here and did this instead.

##Test with other FW hardware
Another physical Linksys router, identical Hardware but with original
software (Firmware Version: v4.71.1, Hyperwrt 2.1b1 + Thibor15c) that I
replaced this with- Status TV OK.

## next step:
With my current router I did a 30/30/30 reset going back to basic
configuration ie subnet, no manual config at all - Status - TV

## next
changed subnet to my ordinary - check TV OK

## next
starting to rebuild my old config,
add port forwarding
add dns masq
firewall filter
change wifi SSID
save and apply settings
- check TV - FAILED

## Next
start removing config step by step and test:
-dns masq - reboot router and TV restart - not working
-remove port forward - reboot router and TV restart - not working
-remove firewall filter - reboot router and TV restart- TV ok

Ok some of the 4 filter causing this (proxy, cookie, java, active x. My bet
would be Java....), adding filter by filter.

-add filter java applets - reboot TV - TV Failed
-remove filter java applets - reboot TV - TV working

If anyone only could have told me this from the very beginning.....

Lesson learned:
IT was not the TV firmware, but it was not the firewall either, it all was
just all about TV application knowledge.

Case closed. Thanx for your effort and contribution.


There is no place like ***

View solution in original post


The TV is directely connected to a Linksys DD-wrt router and has been working for almost a year, the dd-wrt is not updated. If I connect the Tv with my 4G wifi router it works, indicating problem with my Firewall/router you migth say.


But I strongly disagre with the support that it's my router casusing the problem, it's the tv. Playing around with a hub and wireshark I can see for example the TV is asking for hosts not existing, funny but that doesn't affect this.


291    84.213021000    DNS    53    81    Standard query 0x05ab  A


I also see that the TV resolves and try to fetch the content from Sonys "app download page" whatever, it tries to download, no anser so it tries again. Then the server close the connection in my face, thank you Sony. Why


211    68.449384000    TCP    80    70    36346→80 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=5840 Len=0 MSS=1460 SACK_PERM=1 TSval=47027 TSecr=0

215    68.645387000    TCP    36346    74    80→36346 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=4380 Len=0 MSS=1460 TSval=2457736863 TSecr=47027 SACK_PERM=1

216    68.645613000    TCP    80    66    36346→80 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=5840 Len=0 TSval=47046 TSecr=2457736863

217    68.646081000    HTTP    80    213    GET /DTV/index.xml HTTP/1.1

220    69.208995000    HTTP    80    213    [TCP Retransmission] GET /DTV/index.xml HTTP/1.1

234    74.724651000    TCP    36346    66    [TCP Previous segment not captured] 80→36346 [FIN, ACK] Seq=304 Ack=148 Win=4527 Len=0 TSval=2457742942 TSecr=47445

235    74.724898000    TCP    80    78    [TCP Dup ACK 228#1] 36346→80 [ACK] Seq=148 Ack=1 Win=5840 Len=0 TSval=47654 TSecr=2457736863 SLE=304 SRE=305

288    84.146557000    TCP    36346    60    80→36346 [RST, ACK] Seq=305 Ack=148 Win=4527 Len=0


Why do Sony send FIN, ACK? I keep asking and get no data and they close the conneciton.

Not applicable

Hi there


Can you please confirn if you have rebooted your rooter.  If not, can you please do so.


Also, can you please ensure that your IP address is located in the UK -


As no one else has complained thus far, the issue is isolated to you - but we will take it one step at a time.





Thanx for your reply.

Yes - My ADSL modem and DD-WRT firewall has been rebooted.
No - I'm not in the UK but in SE where the TV was bought and is used.
Update Internet content has worked before and I have not changed my
external IP which belongs to the ISP TeliaSonera. My 4G network also
belongs to SE TeliaSonera.

The TV is really bussy trying to reach several destinations type A, class IN, addr type CNAME, class IN, cname type A, class IN, addr type CNAME, class IN, cname type CNAME, class IN, cname




I created a POSTROUTING and PREROUTING rule in my iptable to forward all incomming and outgoing traffic for my TV to a specifc IP in my LAN where I recorded with Wireshark.


This is one TCP Stream that seems to succeed. The Destination is:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache
ETag: "935df53f5f519a548982f8a25881402c:1447828573"
Last-Modified: Wed, 18 Nov 2015 06:34:03 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 14305
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2016 14:30:35 GMT
Connection: keep-alive

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Not applicable

Hi there


To be honest - i dont know the answer in your case.


It works using a fall-over 4G connection on the same router via the same ISP.  Im wondering if there is some type of routing issue to your ISP, where-as the routing is different over the mobile phone network.


Reason is that you can connect to Sony Servers, so the TV does work.  Sony Servers also are working and your router does too.  So this might fall to the routing at ISP level


 Assuming that your ISP has a forum, is anyone else experiencing this?



Not applicable

Just saw your update.


Just to clearify.


The 4G connectoin is totally separate, it's a wifi 4G modem. But it's from the same ISP.

The Landline connection with my Firewall is where I get the issues.


It can't be an routing issue since I reach the destinations.


I konw you would assume and think it's my firewall preventing the connection but I don't think so based on.


1. nothing changed in my environmen and it has worked this way before TV Firmware upgrade. (I can't say for sure if it's the latest TV firmware update or the second last that has prevented me to reach Internet.)

2. All built-in self tests for checking internet connectivity in the TV shows - ok.

3. Downloading Internet Content does not give error but states - OK and done.

4. The last TCP stream recorded in Wireshark shows communication.

5. Protocol analysis shows several connect and HTTP 200 codes indicating success to reach destination.

6. Also indicates alot of HTTP 408 error code = time out.


I will dig deeper in all the wireshark data and see if I can find the culprit, but I suspect some error in the communiction protocol for the TV rather than my standard linux iptable firewall.




Not applicable

Thanks for the clarrification on the 4G modem :wink:


Another person is also complaining of the same issues - thread just created, and you both have 2014 TVs, so.....


Edit: Set of coincidences in linking your issue to the other - not related to yours. :flushed:


Problem cause found and corrected, short version: Allow Java applets.

Problem Solved.

Here are my latest troubleshooting steps and explanation how to reach this

Current setup:

ISP TeliaSonera ----| ADSL Modem |-------| Linksys WRT54GL v1.1 DD-WRT
v24-sp2 mini |-------- LAN -----| Sony TV

This setup does not work to download and use apps. Funny is that some
Internet media works, the built-in app "a clock" showing images from
Internet do work. Previous packet captures done on the inside I have
pointed out that some communication seem to take place where others seems
my TV is waiting for data to be received. Next planned step was to bring a
switch and setup portspan / mirror on the outside to do packet capture, but
I don't have the switch here and did this instead.

##Test with other FW hardware
Another physical Linksys router, identical Hardware but with original
software (Firmware Version: v4.71.1, Hyperwrt 2.1b1 + Thibor15c) that I
replaced this with- Status TV OK.

## next step:
With my current router I did a 30/30/30 reset going back to basic
configuration ie subnet, no manual config at all - Status - TV

## next
changed subnet to my ordinary - check TV OK

## next
starting to rebuild my old config,
add port forwarding
add dns masq
firewall filter
change wifi SSID
save and apply settings
- check TV - FAILED

## Next
start removing config step by step and test:
-dns masq - reboot router and TV restart - not working
-remove port forward - reboot router and TV restart - not working
-remove firewall filter - reboot router and TV restart- TV ok

Ok some of the 4 filter causing this (proxy, cookie, java, active x. My bet
would be Java....), adding filter by filter.

-add filter java applets - reboot TV - TV Failed
-remove filter java applets - reboot TV - TV working

If anyone only could have told me this from the very beginning.....

Lesson learned:
IT was not the TV firmware, but it was not the firewall either, it all was
just all about TV application knowledge.

Case closed. Thanx for your effort and contribution.


There is no place like ***
Not applicable

Now this is something ive not heard in a loooong time :nauseated_face:

"There is no place like"


Really glad you managed to figure it out.  Thanks for posting back as i was curious to know..