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KDL-32BX420 screen problem


KDL-32BX420 screen problem

Hello all,


a few months ago my Sony bravia KDL-32BX420 began to act strangely. It started with colored horizontal lines on screen and as time passes it becomes only worse. Now its practically not watchable. The picture is overrunned with horizontal stripes and lines. Any one have an idea what is the problem and is it solvable ? I did try to unplug the power and put it on again. I have tried to change the antenna cable too but no luck.


Thanks in advance and BR.

Not applicable

Hi there


This issue is normally a hardware failure.  More specifically the TCon board. Once you factor in the part (if it cant be obtained) and the labour charge from a technician - unfortunatley the TV is uneconomical to repair as it is cheaper to buy a new TV these days.




Thanks Quinnicus,


I have already contacted official Sony technicians here in Serbia and I will probably know the repair price in a few days. I will let you know the results.




Bad news, its the lcd panel failure, repairable for the cost of 370 euros. The price for the new box is close to this one so its going to trash. Im very disappointed with Sony, at least from my experience. 3 years lifespan of TV set is very bad, so I have to say goodbye Sony, you lost this customer.


Case closed