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AR31S - How do I see/capture S-Video Input


AR31S - How do I see/capture S-Video Input

Okay I am still working my way through the programs on my new Vaio, although I am completely stuck as to how I go about viewing the signal coming in through the S-Video port.

That's all, short and sweet.

Basically is there a Sony app that I can use to see the input from this port, or do I need 3rd party software to do this.

Thanx in advance.


Hi OriginalXOR and welcome to Club Vaio.

This is not the easiest thing to do because Vista and Media Centre have forgotten that people have analogue audio/video. They are geared almost exclusively for digital I/O and don't cater for watching streamed analogue video in full screen. There is a very complicated way of setting your Vaio up as if it was connected to a set-top box (like Sky) to watch the input full screen. Or you can set up the TV Tuner to receive analogue signals only and tune it to the input RF channel.

Probably the easiest installed program to use for analogue video capture is 'Click to DVD'. On the opening screen choose the analogue inputs and you can then import video/edit it/burn it to DVD. This is fine for putting your old videos onto DVD.

Programs like Adobe Premiere Elements are again designed for DV and cannot import analogue video but can edit it once imported.

Windows Movie Maker is another possibility for video capture.



Thanks for that speedy response, I shall give it a go and let you know how I get on.

So far as the Premiere bit was concerned as I have Vista, the version my mate had which I attempted as a test to see if I could see things wouldnt install (Wrong OS), but at least I have something to go with in the shape of Click2DVD.

I had also attempted the DVgate but alas that would not look at anything other than the iLink connection, so hadnt though of C2D.

Good Luck!

I think you will find Adobe Premiere Elements is installed on your Vaio - it will just need to check for updates online so it can work with Vista.


VirtualDub should be able to capture AVI for you.