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Hi all, I have a AR-31s that i recently put windows 7 on after a complete hdd format, Ive installed all drivers and utillities and such (after a long slog) and run into a few problems.
Luckily ive managed to fix just about all except for one.
Ive exausted all other routes (google) and personal expertise and was hoping some very cleaver, kind and helpfull sole could help me out
As the title of my post suggests, i'm having trouble using the 'AV mode' button to start up my windows media center.
I have installed the drivers and configured the 'av mode button settings' to start media center but it still wont work, stranger still is the fact that when I am in the media (accessed by other means) the other usefull buttons on that row all work! As do the other sony buttons on the left of the keyboard (vol, eject, s1, s2,etc) at all times (media center or not).
As you can see this seems to be a very specific issue and i would greatly appreciate any help that anyone could give.
HELP!!!!!! I am suffering the same fate on my AW31M. I basically decided to upgrade to Win 7 64bit, and as a result i had to do a custom install, since my vista version that came with the laptop was 32bit!
I basically cleaned & wiped the hard drive, removing all partitions; effectively a compete format. Installed 64bit Win 7 from scratch, and proceeded to spend the next two f'ing days installing all the updates, finding the correct drivers, since Sony neither provide the correct WiFi drivers, nor the Realtek Audio drivers, nor the mouse or chipset drivers for Win 7. TYPICAL
Moving on, i attempted to install the Settings Utility Series and Vaio Original Function Settings and Vaio Update 5.11.04090 The first two FLOPPED!
Settings Utility reports-: PREVIOUS version of setting utility series is not installed, Upgrade will be cancelled.
What a load of crap........ I had already installed the 7UPG_Setting Utility Series and yet it wouldn't let me install the upgrade!
Vaio Original Function Settings reports:- A version not compatible with this upgrade program is installed. Make sure you have the right version installed, and try again.
Vaio Update installe!!!!
So what is going on here? Upon carefull examination it appears that these two programs are the same as those provided in the Vista Update Tab and have been duplicated in the Windows 7 Tab; infact the downloads are IDENTICAL, so no bloody wonder it doesn't want to work on Windows 7.
It appears that all the functions S1, S2 and the Media buttons work, except for the elusive AV Mode button.
How on earth you managed to allocate it to start media player, is beyond me, perhaps you can tell me, and i'll try it here.
Erm...... I haven't tried to see if it will start my laptop, i ddin't know it could do that, have only just read that on the forum today!
So does ANYONE out there have a solution; and please don't tell me to ask Sony, believe me they have no answer; and nor will they support the question, given that i installed a third party product!!!