Share your experience!
Hi all,
I have a Vaio SZ4VN with Vista Business. My battery life is shorter than I hoped - and I may understand this since it is a Duo Processor, the OS is heavier etc. but when the notebook is in sleeping mode (energy saving mode) battery loss occurs, and a night is enough to waste all battery life - indeed, in the morning after, when I restart the computer, the safe mode boot screen with something like "The computer has not been swithced off properly etc etc" appears.
Any suggestions? Is that normal?
Thanks in advance
I have this problem with my new SZ4 aswell, although i lost 40% of my battery in a week when i went away when it was switched off. seems odd to me.
Hi robgiam72 and welcome to Club Vaio.
This is normal.
"Sleep" mode is designed for when you leave your Vaio for up to a few hours. If you plan on being away from your computer for more than an hour, try the "Suspend to Disk" or "Hibernate" mode.
Or do what most of us do - turn it off and save the planet!!!
Hi Blencogo,
thanks for the answer. Would you please tell me how can I activate the mode you were suggesting? I am not sure about the translation in English, but I can switch my vaio off only in the following ways (as far as I can infer from the start menu)
1) suspend (that's what I called 'sleep mode', and that resuls in a strong battery loss)
2) hybernate
3) halt the system (if one wants to save the planet )
Maybe are you suggesting what my online guide calls "hybrid suspend", that I must activate from advanced options in control panel?
Thanks a lot for support