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It's quite a stupid question but i want to clean with safety my vaio's keyboard and mouse touchpad which is full of stains, and i dont know what matterial to use. Ajax is good or should i avoid it? What do you use for cleaning your monitors? i use spreys for optical lenses for my glasses but fingerprints doesnt seem to go away!
Thanks in advance.
Hi patonios,
For cleaning the screen I just use a microfibre cloth and for cleaning the keyboard I use a damp clean cloth, I don't use any solutions or cleaners just water..:smileyhappy:
For cleaning my screen I use " safeclean" !
You can sell it by Conrad.
Thanks for your answers:smileyhappy: ! what is that Conrad that i can find this safecleaner?
You're welcome..:smileyhappy:
It's s store in Holland