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General Advice on Laptop Cooling


General Advice on Laptop Cooling

I hope users can read this post prior to posting laptop temperature problems cause they keep appearing, though its noones theres no search facility.

Many users are having problems with their sony vaio's and their inability to cool themselves efficiently..

Laptops should run under intense use at no higher that 70 degrees. The common symptoms of an overheated laptop are

a)the laptop runs slowly
b) the base of the laptop feels extremely hot
c) the laptop may restart of just switch off (An automated function of the motherboard to prevent damage to the laptop)
This program should display your laptops CPU temp and HD temp

If you think you have a temperature problem,

a) clean the laptops vents to make sure they'res no dust obstructing them
b) Go to control pannel --> power options, and u should be able to alter your thermal control settings to performance rather than quiet.
c) a common option is to buy a laptop cooler which reportedly has dropped laptop temps by up to 11 degrees. A huge improvement. Antec makes a good model as seen here..

If your experiencing extreme temperatures (>85), you should get your laptop checked, though there are reports of users sending their laptops to Sony with responses that nothing is wrong with it. The bottom line is that you may have to accept that your laptop has a temperature problem.

A cooler laptop increases performance as well as the longitivity of your components and therefore is a neccesity.

Please post here for more questions in relation to any Vaio model..

I hope this post is useful as a start to your temperature problems :slight_smile:

Shame it cant be made sticky


Great post! Thanks for the good info. Why can't it be made sticky? I second that idea.

Totally agree, nice topic Nick :smileygrin:

Make it sticky plz CU :smileygrin:


yeh CU it would be a great help as I reckon this is the most frequently asked question :smileyblush:

We need organisation in here.


talking of organisation..wheres cu :devil:


A great article and well deserved praise.

Just to add my two pence worth I have absolutely no faith in the claims regarding laptop coolers. They are usually ugly cumbersome and in my opinion a total waste of money.

If the fans are working, and working efficiently (clean) then why should anyone need one.

I honestly believe that if they are clean and working they negate the need for additional cooling and indeed purchasing a cooler could mask a real problem which in time could prove expensive.

OK, if you live in the middle of the Sahara things may be a little out of the ordinary but most of us don't.

Sorry Guys.



In other posts..people had reported that laptop coolers were quite successful in cooling their laptops..
However, I recently read a post saying that their laptop cooler had done nothing..

I wouldnt suggest that anyone get one unless they really need it. Unless their laptop really has an over heating problem.

Primarily because

a) their big and bulky as u say william really restricting the portability of your laptop
b) most connect via your USB port they rely on the fact that your connected to the mains unless ur only aiming to use your laptop for half an hour or so

still. if you've just got sony vaio thats doing 85 degrees after 20 minutes and you've cleaned the fans..i dont see any other option if you're warrantly is finished


As a last resort - Fair point.


Its all really dependant on the situation.
In most cases they work well.
I do agree they are cumbersome.