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Install Fresh Copy of Windows 7.

Install Fresh Copy of Windows 7.

Hi there.

So I have been using my Sony Vaio for for about six months now and now i've come to the point that I've ran out of space for iTunes and need a bigger HDD. From searching around the internet, it seems simple to remove the HDD and upgrade it and at the same time I thought I would stick a fresh copy of Windows on the system to make it run smoother.

Now here are the instructions I've got from the internet, can't remember where though. If someone could tell me if these are correct then that would be great, if not then please correct them for me. That would be great.

Swap out the HDD with the larger size one.

Install Windows 7 Home Premium.

Once on Desktop, insert the Recovery Media and load up Vaio Care.

Select Recovery and Restore and then Recovery.

Select Reinstall Applications and Drivers.

On the box that appears, select everything marked as Driver and press next. Follow the instructions to install the drivers and then once complete, remove the media, restart Windows and setup as normal. (AntiVirus, Windows Updates, Graphics Drivers from NVIDIA and programs).

Correct or is there something else that I should be doing. Also I know that I will lose all the default programs such as WinDVD although I can live without that as I download most of my movies from iTunes and also watch Blu-Rays through my Blu-Ray Player.


- Mitchell