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new pc?

new pc?


Now I have no idea whether I can actually contact me here ... But now I'm trying anyway and hope for the best - to get answers.

I am a sixteen year old teenager who uses her PC very much. Now I've had the Acer here for two years and I've always hated it - maybe because I'm extremely Sony fan. But, yes, now it's time for a new one, but I really do not know what PC I have to choose and how much I need to save together. I am completely blank, or nearly so. I know then that it must be B.I.G. because I play The Sims 3 with all expansion packs and additional packages, Need For Speed ​​Word, Angry Birds, etc.

I've looked a little on the VAIO F series which will be configured slightly and amounts to ca. 8,400 danish coins, but then I also looked a little on the amazing, but expensive VAIO Z series, but even if it does not get configured to ca. 13,000 danish coins, which is a lot of money and will also, take a long time to save together, which means I have to live with this wreck of a computer for a long time, but if necessary, then it is necessary .. But såe there's also just the VAIO S series, which is approx. 8,500 after configuration.

But it can of course also well be that I'm totally wrong and not even looked at the real PC?

And yes, I should get myself a desktop computer that I could play, but it is not an option .. I'll must have  a powerful laptop ..


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I may suggest for you to go to like this one "Sony VAIO VPC-F236FM". I have it and it really is great for both running application and gaming.


It’s Interesting that you recommend a USA Vaio model when you claim your country of residence as UK.

I doubt that you even own a Vaio.

Go n-éirí an bóthar leat

I actually asked a WOW friend from the US and that is what he recommends. I am currently using Alienware, by the way. No hard feelings..