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This is a Vaio VGN-FS115S. There is no wireless LAN shown in network connections, and no wireless icon in the task bar. The WLAN switch on the front is turned ON.
OS is WindowsXP SP3, and all SONY updates have been installed. Including update for the Wireless LAN driver. I have read through this Forum and tried all suggestions.
I am connected to network by cable, but cannot get wireless LAN to work (or even admit it exists).
Help please.
Hi jollysu,
Look in Device Manager and expand 'Network Adapters'.
Does your Intel wireless LAN adapter show as well as with the ethernet adapter?
The answer is 'yes, it does show'.
I have now tried removing the LAN network adaptor in Device Manager, and fitting a new Intel 100 pro wireless card, and then re-installing the driver. The driver says the device is working correctly.
But still no task bar icon, or any sign of WiFi.
Are you trying to connect to a Wireless Router?
After turning on the wireless switch, can see the Network Connection Icon?
Is the Wireless Network Connection shown in Network Connections now?
Thank you for your very helpful reply.
Yes, eventually I wish to connect to wireless router.
No. After turning on the Network switch no icon is visible.
No. Wireless connection not shown in Network connections.
Thanks, have already got manual.
More information:
In Device Manager, > Network Adapters
I can see Intel Pro/100 VE (wired LAN driver)
If I select SHOW HIDDEN DEVICES then I can see
Intel Pro/100 VE miniports
Intel Pro/wireless 2200bg miniports
In other words, the main wireless driver is not there.
I have tried uninstalling and installing latest drivers from Intel and Sony websites, but just cannot get the wireless adapter to appear.
I would have one more go at installing the Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG Driver from here: -
Follow the installation instructions in the top box on the download page.
If this does not work it indicates a hardware fault of some sort and, personally, I would give up on the internal Intelcard and buy a cheap wireless card that will fit neatly into your PC Card slot. You will find lots and lots here from around £5: -
Thanks again.
I will try the install again.
I already tried a new wireless card and it made no difference. Maybe I should try a different brand from Intel.
You can see why it's got me beat 🙂